Page 282 of Sidelined

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“I am. That new fuse must’ve malfunctioned.”

He gives me the same look Cy did. “That’s weird.”

“Must’ve been defective.”

“Yeah. Must’ve been.” He stands and opens the door to the car bays. “I’ll be right back.”

“Sure.” Taking a seat, I pull out my phone and answer some emails while I wait instead of what I want to do: look for Mike. I’ve missed him the last three weeks, which is nuts because we don’t even know each other. The limited time we spent in each other’s company was fifty percent hostile, ten percent pleasant, and the rest of the time, we had our mouths full of each other’s dicks. Not exactly a recipe for building a healthy relationship.

When the door Tigger went out reopens, I assume it’s him, so I don’t bother looking up. But when I don’t hear movement behind the desk, my curiosity gets the best of me. Starting at his black, steel-toed boots, I scan up the body of the man in front of me.

Worn, dark blue coveralls wrap around thick thighs, and the arms of said coveralls hang from narrow hips. A thin white tank covers flat abs. I continue my perusal of his strong, work-roughened hands, thickly veined forearms and muscular biceps, and bare, rounded shoulders decorated in black and gray tattoos. Finally, I reach a scruffy chin and jaw, a ridiculously handsome face with a slightly crooked nose, and dark eyes that are fixed on me.

I stand and button my suit coat. “Oh, hey.”


“It’s my truck. The stereo was spazzing out again.”

“Took it long enough,” he says cryptically.

I narrow my eyes. “What?”

“I never fixed it in the first place. Honestly, I’ve never seen an audio system do that before, and I have no clue why. I even googled it. There were a few reports of it happening on these newer trucks but no fixes.”

“You kept it overnight,” I remind him.

He runs a hand through his hair, a small grin tipping the corners of his lips up. “Yeah, that was mostly to fuck with you.”

“You charged me three grand.”

He shrugs. “I wasn’t your biggest fan at the time.”

“And now?” My heart pounds against my ribs, knowing what I want him to say, but so scared he won’t say it.

“I’ve spent the last three weeks hoping it’d happen again and you’d come back.”


He takes two slow steps in my direction until he’s standing just inches away and tips my chin up the little amount it takes to force my gaze to his. “I spent years hating myself because of you.”

“I’m sorry. I honestly—”

“I thought it was because I believed all the shit you said about me, but I’ve realized that wasn’t it at all. I hated myself for liking you.”

“I liked you too, and I was cruel because I knew my dad wouldn’t approve. I thought it was the only way to keep myself from doing something stupid, like asking you out. Especially after we kissed on Grad Night. It’s not an excuse, just an explanation.”

“We both did things we weren’t proud of. But we’re grown now and can make better decisions.”

I lick my lips. “Like what?”

“Like this.” He pushes me roughly against the wall, pinning my hands at either side of my head with his own right before his lips crash into mine. This is our first kiss as adults, and it’s nothing like any I’ve had before. There’s no build-up, no teasing, only panting breaths between bruising contact and plunging tongues.

Our mutual erections press together, and I have to remind myself where we are so I don’t do something stupid, like pull his coveralls the rest of the way down. I’m about to say fuck it and do it anyway when the door to the car bays opens. We break apart, but there’s no question as to what we were just doing.

“Fuck. Sorry,” Cy says. Even through his beard, it’s easy to see his flaming red cheeks.

“I’m going on break.” Mike jerks his head to the back door, and I nod.
