Page 57 of The Darkness In You

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He covered my mouth with his, and I let myself get swept away by his claiming kiss. I lost myself in his touch, letting him pull me closer, pushing the blankets aside so I could straddle his muscular thighs while I wound my arms around his neck.

No one else could ever make me feel the way he made me feel.

“You’re. Fucking. Mine,” he ground out between kisses, pulling me closer, winding his hand into my hair and giving it a tug that sent delicious shivers all down my spine. I let my fingers slide around to the front of his throat, pressing my index finger to his pulse point, just so I could feel how hard his heart was pounding. My own heart was going crazy, and my body was on fire, nerve endings alight with a million sensations.

Curving my hand around his throat, I pulled back from him so I could see his face, both of us breathing hard. “Would you let me do this?” I squeezed lightly, unable to believe that I had this powerful man beneath me and he was letting me hold him vulnerable like this.

“Baby, I’d let you do anything you fucking wanted.Anything.” He surged forwards again, capturing my mouth in a fierce, biting kiss that made me moan into his mouth, and my grip on his throat dropped in favour of cupping the back of his head with both hands, willing him to kiss me even harder. I could feel the steel length of his big cock between my legs, trapped within the confines of his jeans, and my hand went down between us, rubbing over the denim.

“Fuck,” he groaned, moving his mouth to my throat, biting down. “Do you want my dick?”

“Y-yes,” I panted, undone. How had I managed to hold back for so long? How could I have denied the chemistry between us, always pulling us together?

“I bet you’re so fucking wet for me, aren’t you?” His hand covered mine, guiding it back towards me. My knuckles brushed across my clit, so sensitive even through the double layers of my underwear and leggings, and I moaned again.


Real life intruded when both of our phones went off at the same time. With effort, I scooted back, enough to put an inch or two of space between us. My chest was heaving, and all I could do was look at Zayde, the iciness of those thickly lashed eyes almost fully hidden by black. He was so gorgeous it took my breath away.

All the obstacles in our relationship that had once seemed insurmountable—the secret we were keeping from our families and friends, my father’s plan for my life—all of that was gone now.

But… But what remained was the fact that Tim was also gone, and nothing that either of us said or did would bring him back.

Zayde adjusted the thick bulge in his jeans as I shifted off his lap and reached for my phone, sending my thoughts spiralling down a path that I shouldn’t let them go down until I’d had time to process everything. I shouldn’t have even kissed him, not really, but I’d been starving for him for so long, and I wanted him so, so badly.

Thankfully…or not…the messages waiting for us both derailed my train of thought and sent me down an entirely different track. I’d been added to a group chat titledOPERATION ANNIHILATION.

My brows lifted at the title and rose higher as I began scrolling through the chat.

Cassius:Operation Annihilation is ONNNNNN


Cassius:Don’t pretend you didn’t already pick a theme tune. I heard you blasting it earlier

Weston:That was my Spotify playlist, dickhead

Cassius:Lies. The song’s too embarrassing to share isn’t it?

Weston:*middle finger emoji*

Winter:DEJA VU. Why does this happen every time?!!!!!

Lena:Jessa, take his phone away

Cassius:She wouldn’t dare!

Jessa:I could be tempted

Cassius:Traitor!!! *shocked face emoji*

Caiden:Can someone explain why fucking GRANVILLE has to stay under our roof???

James:Hello to you too Cavendish. Thanks for making me feel welcome. So kind of you!

Caiden:Who added Granville to this fucking chat?!!

Cassius:Moi. He’s involved remember?
