Page 36 of Heartful

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I watch his eyes drop to my thigh where my dress has slid up, and then he shuts the door before rounding the front of the vehicle and climbing into the driver’s seat.

We ride and listen to music for a while before I can stand it no longer. I’m going to drag information out of him if it’s the last thing I do.

Desi’s words ring in my ears. “You might be able to help more than you think.”

“Did you work today?”

“Yes,” he says, looking both ways before making a turn.

He has one arm thrown over the top of the steering wheel, and I stare at it as he drives. I need to get laid. But after this whole charade is over. It wouldn’t do for me to get caught and upend our whole fake story to the masses. For now, my hand and vibrator will have to do.

“How was it?” I ask, pushing a little further. I shiver in the cold air of the car.

“It was fine. Are you cold?” He reaches to turn the air down, and I purse my lips.

Tough crowd.

“I helped my cousin, Desi, and I got to pet dogs all day.” I turn my body toward him, watching the shadows of the dropping sun pass across his face.

“Sounds like fun,” he says, and I want to roll my eyes.

What is his damn problem?

“It was,” I say, continuing on as if I were having the best conversation ever. “Tell me about your friends who will be there tonight.” I attempt a new strategy. He has to have more than three words to say about them.

“It’s going to be my friend Jarod and his wife, Sara,” he says, putting his blinker on to make another turn. Nothing follows after that.

“So, it’s only going to be the four of us?”

“No, they invited others. I just don’t know who.”

“Okay, that’s fine. I’m a people person,” I say, turning my body back to the front of the car. I’m done with my questions, content to ride in silence the rest of the way there.

He might not want a relationship, but it’s clear this man needs someone who can help him loosen up, and I’m going to try my hardest to be the one who does it. I want to help break him out of his rut and unleash the fun-loving guy that has to be hiding inside him. I’m making it my mission over the next week before Ivy comes home.

We pull into the drive of a beautiful home, set on a piece of property with a scenic lake backdrop. It’s gorgeous and peaceful, and it makes me want to sit on the attached dock with a cup of coffee and watch the sun come up against the water.

I clutch my bottle of wine as Simon rings the doorbell, and almost instantly, the door opens, revealing a woman with short blonde hair and the biggest smile I’ve ever seen.

“Simon, I’m so glad you made it. And you must be Alice,” she says, pulling us both in for hugs, one right after the other. “Oh, Jarod will be thrilled. Come in, come in.”

We step inside. I glance around, noting how homey it is—pictures everywhere, the decor definitely handpicked with thought—and I love it. I love the brightness and how it beckons me in further. It’s one thing that Simon’s home lacks—real warmth.

There’s laughter coming from around the corner, and I smile to myself, excited to be meeting Simon’s people.

“I’m Sara,” the woman says to me, turning slightly and waving for us to follow her.

Simon’s hand presses into my lower back and propels me forward. I glance toward him, but he’s staring straight ahead, no emotion on his face. We advance into a kitchen, where a spread of finger foods rests on the kitchen island, near a container full of ice and beverages.

I’m shocked when Simon doesn’t move his hand; he merely stands beside me as Sara shows us where the plates and utensils are. I’m so aware of his touch that I can feel the pad of each finger where it connects with my skin through my dress. It’s searing and delicious, and I almost wish he hadn’t touched me because it’s making me want more when I have no business aching for that.

“I brought you some wine,” I say, needing to distract myself. I hold the bag out to Sara, who takes it with a smile.

“You shouldn’t have,” she says as she immediately turns to find the opener on the counter and deftly pulls the cork out. “Simon, the men are in there.” Sara points before pouring two glasses of wine and handing me one.

Simon glances down at me, and I give him a smile, wanting to cry when he pulls his hand from my back and strides in the direction Sara indicated.

“Now that I have you to myself, tell me everything,” she says, leaning against the countertop and grinning wide at me.
