Page 37 of Heartful

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I probably should have asked Simon what all he’s told his friends.


“Sorry to catch you off guard, but I’m dying to know what it’s been like with Simon. He’s always so silent and broody. My husband, Jarod, isn’t that way at all.”

“You about hit the nail on the head,” I tell her, letting a laugh sneak out. Silent and broody sums Simon up to a T. “It’s hard, getting him to open up and talk, but once he does, it’s nice. We’ve had some good conversations.” And some not-so-good ones.

“Some talks … interesting,” Sara says, grinning as she wiggles her eyebrows.

“Oh my God, no. Not like that,” I say.

She takes a sip of her wine. “Damn. Thought you might have gotten him to loosen up.” She slowly shakes her head and pastes on a sad frown. “Lord knows, the man needs it.”

“Yeah, he does.” I nod, taking a sip of my drink.

“I’m going to be honest,” she says, narrowing her eyes as she steps closer. “Jarod and I know about your, um … arrangement with Simon. We won’t say anything, of course, but if you need someone to talk to, I’m always here. We love Simon but know that he can be pigheaded. My advice to you is to give him some time; he will come around. He thinks he knows what he wants in life, but those of us on the outside see things differently.”

“Sara …” I say, fidgeting. I think I know what she’s trying to say, and I’m not sure that I am the right person for the job. “Simon has made it pretty clear, where we stand. I’m not trying to force us into anything, and really, we are only together because of a job now.”

“I don’t believe that for one second. Simon could have found another nanny. He chose you.”

“He chose me because we are tied together on this show,” I say, swirling my glass and staring at it.

“Simon doesn’t do anything that he doesn’t want to do. He subconsciously did the show for a reason, and he is keeping you around for a reason.”

Could that be true? Is there more to us than what Simon lets on?

It would definitely explain his hot-and-cold routine. Maybe he’s fighting with himself on something.

“My bet is, he will open up. You might have to give him a little push though.” Sara smiles, winking at me, and I laugh.

“Message received,” I say. “I will see if I can break through his defenses.”

“Hey, Sara, show is starting,” a male voice yells from the other room.

She grabs my hand. “Are you ready?”

“To watch myself on TV? Not really,” I say, and she laughs.

“I can’t wait,” she says as she drags me behind her and turns me suddenly, pushing me into a chair.

My eyes widen as I sit. I was expecting to feel fluffy cushions, but instead, I’m met with hard thighs and two hands wrapping around my waist.
