Page 55 of Reluctant Heir

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“Don’t play dumb with me. Did you know Lilliana was leaving? I know you two have been spending time together.”

Her face drains of color, and I press closer, backing her up.

The fury on my face is enough to make her cower, and I snarl, “First thing you need to work on is your poker face. Yours is shit. I can see every thought written across it.”

She squares her shoulders, trying to stand taller as she takes yet another step back, finally meeting the wall in a sudden stop. The breath expels from her lungs in a sharp whoosh. “And the second thing?”

“Don’t keep information from me. The only way I can protect you and this family is if I know what I’m up against.”

“I don’t think it’s really any of your concern if Lilliana wanted to go on a trip with her mother,” Wryn shoots back, and I lean in close to her.

“It does if she’s taken her into the clutches of our damn enemies,” I say with barely held restraint.

Wryn doesn’t speak, her swallow audible as she digests what I said.

“She’s in danger?” Wryn asks.

I turn, striding away from her. “That’s yet to be seen. But we aren’t on good terms with Sylvia’s family. Not since you killed my father.”

I didn’t stop to think about it before all of this shit, but I know what my father had said all along. The ties between our families were tenuous at best.

“I-I didn’t—”

“You didn’t what?” I ask, walking back toward her. I see the minute her mind changes—from trying to convince me she didn’t have anything to do with it when we were both there to covering her own ass.

“I didn’t know.”

“Of course you didn’t know. It’s why you don’t need to be keeping secrets. Did she say when they would return?”

Wryn shakes her head, and I growl. My fist driving into the wall beside her head has us both jumping. Geo steps in, one hand on my arm.

“Boss,” he says in warning, and I suddenly want to fight him.

“We have to go to Chicago.”

“That’s a terrible idea,” Geo says.

I turn to Wryn. “Pack. Now.”

“Wait, if Sylvia’s family is your enemy, why did she marry your father?” Wryn asks.

I clench and unclench my fist, the knuckles smarting and most likely split from my attack on the wall. I don’t look at them.

“It was an alliance marriage after she ran away with him. Never a great one, but it definitely isn’t good anymore now that Bertrand is dead. Sylvia got nothing in his will as far as I know, and I only get something once I’m married. Even from the grave, the man is still fucking up my life.”

“Why didn’t you marry one of her family? To keep the alliance going?” Wryn asks. “Why me?”

“I’m marrying you because you aren’t involved in this life. So, when I let you go and divorce you, it will be a clean break. If I were to marry in a family, there would be no outs. For either of us.”

Wryn nods, and I jerk my head to Geo. He walks out the door ahead of me, and I glance back to see she hasn’t moved. Her body is still cowering beside the hole in the wall.

“Pack. We leave in an hour.”

I shut her door behind me, and Geo spins, murder on his face.

I throw up a hand, and my top lip curls. “Call the strip and have my plane readied. Tell the pilot to get his ass there. I’ll be in my room.”

“This isn’t a good idea, Connor,” he says.
