Page 75 of Reluctant Heir

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Istand at the end of the aisle, my hands clenched together since I don’t have any flowers. I’m wearing a mid-length cream-colored dress, one I got during my shopping spree with Lilliana, and no veil. My four-inch heels wobble slightly as I stare down at the front of the church.

I’ve never really dreamed about my wedding. I never needed to. I didn’t see myself getting married, but now that it’s here, it seems all wrong. The wrong outfit, the wrong setting, the wrong audience.

The wrong man.

I stare at said man, whose dark, piercing eyes I can see from here, focused on me. They give nothing of his true thoughts away. There are people sitting in the pews, unfamiliar faces staring at me. Then, I recognize a few, and I fight the urge to curl my upper lip at their glib expressions. The men who grilled me across a table not too long ago now watch me like a hawk as I walk toward my fate, an organ piping music through the vaulted ceiling.

I watch the scene as if I were outside my body, like it’s not happening to me. A day ago, I would have been happier. A day ago, I hadn’t been threatened by two men in the space of twenty-four hours. A day ago, I was falling for my captor, but he’s shown me his true colors. He’s not the poor, pitiful boy he tried to portray. Telling me stories about his mom, taking me to meet Miss Lulah. He’s a snake, like the rest of them, and I would do well to remember that.

I come to a stop at the end of the aisle, happy to put those men behind me, but then I face Connor. I take his hand, and he leads me up the steps to stand in front of the priest. The ceremony drags, and I don’t listen to what’s being said. It’s all lies anyway.

Do I take this man? Yes. I have to take this man.

Do I promise to be with him in every way the vows say? Yes. I have to promise.

Do I, do I, do I? Yes. Ihaveto.

Connor slips a ring on my finger and hands me one to put on his. I stare down at the beautiful diamond, sparkling and bright in the light of the church.

I’m boneless as Connor pulls me to him, pushing his body against mine and pressing a punishing kiss to my lips.

“Smile,” he whispers before pulling away.

My mouth stretches in the imitation of one as we turn, presented to those who came to watch. The clapping is a distant roar in my head as I clasp his elbow, walking back down the aisle, a married woman. As soon as we get to the front, Connor’s hand is gripping my arm, twirling me.

“Look happy, dear wife,” he says, running knuckles along my cheek as he smiles at me.

I glimpse his dark band that I slid on his third finger.

“It’s our wedding day.”

I ache to slap him, but I can’t compromise our situation.

Is he doing this to provoke me?

Footsteps sound as Connor’s acquaintances and friends file out behind us.

“Look at the lovebirds,” Antonio’s voice greets us.

I don’t look away from Connor’s face. It’s a magnet, drawing me to him and keeping me there. I wait until he breaks eye contact first, turning to accept Antonio’s outstretched hand and giving it a shake. His face gives away no feelings, like whether he still holds a grudge over Antonio’s lies, but my bet is, a raging storm brews behind those chocolate eyes.

I do my duty, turning, smiling, shaking hands, meeting those new faces I felt staring at me inside. All while I feel frozen. Connor’s hand stays in mine as we walk around. I meet the children of the other bosses, those who are in the same position as Connor, taking over for their fathers when the time comes.

Their names cross my mind as they talk.

I know Dean, William’s son. The one who led Ruby outside.

Connor squeezes my hand in warning when he catches me glaring at Dean. I avert my eyes.

Geo’s older brother, Joey, congratulates us, tossing one of those manly bro nods at Geo, who doesn’t return it, before leaving.

Ginny is my favorite. Her personality requires that I like her. She’s a force, breezing in and crawling inside my chest as she talks. I think in another life, we could’ve been good friends.

I notice Geo looks at Arie when he thinks no one is looking, and I make a mental note to ask him about it. It’s a good distraction from what’s going on in my life now. Lucas, her brother, occupies most of Connor’s time, whispering where I can’t hear it until Connor’s curt tone cuts him off, telling him he will discuss it later.

I wonder what they were talking about.

All too soon, we are climbing in a limo, headed back to the mansion.
