Page 85 of Reluctant Heir

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“Obviously, I am not told everything, just like you weren’t, you fucking prick,” he says, growling in my face.

It’s a tense standoff, and I think maybe he’s telling the truth.

“Was he there that night at the club?” I ask.

Dean’s eyes harden, and I know what he’s about to say.


“Then, I should have been told about him. I’m fucking sick of you keeping information from me.”

I look at Geo, who doesn’t move. He’s waiting for my command. My mind spins. I should throw Dean in the basement, get the information out of him, but it could cause him to jump ship and go running to his father.

I ball my fist up and do something I haven’t done since I was a boy. I punch him straight across the face, watching him reel and go down sideways at the unexpected move on my part. I smile down at him, one devoid of any real warmth, and then I spit beside his head.

“Don’t fucking let it happen again.”

Ginny and Geo don’t say anything, and I don’t blame them. I’m messed up right now. After today—the information I learned, the way Wryn got me riled up, and the anger coursing through my veins—I’m liable to do anything.

Dean gets to his feet, holding his cheek and glowering. I glower back.

What the fuck are you going to do about it?I mentally ask him.

He doesn’t move to retaliate.

That’s what I thought.

I sound like a child in my mind, so I whirl, facing everyone again, and sit, lounging in the chair Wryn was sitting in earlier. It almost still feels warm to me, which is utter shit. There’s no way the leather would have kept that body heat for this long.

“Continue,” I bark at Geo.

He clears his throat, his glare letting me know he’s not happy with my treatment. Too bad he works for me though and not the other way around.

God, I’m in a really shit mood tonight.

“I’ve had a guy tailing him and marking down all of his movements. He stays later at Fleur than everyone else and gets unmarked shipments delivered that are definitely not flowers, but also not people. He is generally shady.”

“Just like everyone in our fucking life,” Ginny says, and I would have to agree with her.

“We don’t have proof that humans are being trafficked out of the shop, but all signs indicate the shipment that Arie told us is coming in is bigger than what he’s been getting lately.”

“What are we doing about it?” Ginny asks, blowing a bubble with the gum she’s been smacking on. It’s fucking annoying.

She might be the only girl I know in our life who acts the way she does. She didn’t get the same treatment as Lilliana and Arie. Her father, Vincent, raised her like a boy. Not as harsh as we got, but she’s no wilting flower—that’s for certain.

“Nothing right now,” I say.

She blows out a frustrated breath. “Then, what are we sneaking around and risking a meeting for?”

“I need you to keep your ears and eyes open. Go through things, find out whatever you can. I have a meeting with the bosses in two days, and we will reconvene after that. If what we think is in that shipment proves true, we will act.”

Ginny rubs her hands together like an evil villain. It’s disconcerting, to say the least.

“This is serious,” I tell her.

She nods curtly. “I know. I can’t fucking wait.”

Dean is still glowering and not saying a word. His petulant stare is getting on my nerves. Everything seems to be doing that lately.
