Page 87 of Reluctant Heir

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“To have our own eyes on sources. Can’t be too careful.”

I stop to look at him, narrowing my eyes at him. “Is there something you aren’t telling me?”

Geo actually fidgets. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him fidget before in the whole of our lives. I continue to pin him with a look, and he finally breaks.

“I got pictures from him last night,” he says.

“While we were in our meeting?”

“Yes. It shows Jacques and William talking along with Paul. There’s another figure there that I can’t make out.”

“Well, it proves our theory that they are involved.” I still can’t figure out why he’s so jumpy all of a sudden. “So, if the pictures show them in contact, then why do we need to see it? It’s pretty clear from where I’m standing.”

Geo pulls a paper from his pocket and hands it to me. It’s folded, creased, like it’s been opened quite a few times. I open it, and the bright gym light above us illuminates the dark ink on the paper that shows me the scene outside Fleur. It’s exactly as he said. Jacques—a guy I haven’t actually seen, except for in a mug shot—stands, talking to others, who are clearly William and Paul. The dark shape next to Paul makes me squint.

“Is that …” I glance up at Geo, whose face is serious. Somber.

“Lucas?” he says, nodding his head. “I’m not one hundred percent sure, but it looks like him.”

“That’s why he couldn’t come to the meeting?” My fingers clench, crinkling the picture in my hand as I feel my heart thud—and not from the workout I did. The anger that is starting to boil through my veins has me wanting to run another five miles. Strike out at the punching bag. Anything.

What has that fucker told them?

“I thought for sure if we had a mole, it would be Dean.”

Geo doesn’t say anything as he lets me process.

“You’ve had this all day, and you are just now showing it to me?”

I turn my anger on him, and he widens his stance, prepared for my onslaught. He knows he fucked up. He should have shown this to me the minute it came through.

“You let her cloud your judgment,” I growl.

The corner of his eye twitches. It’s my turn to grab him by the throat. It seems that’s all I’ve been doing lately—throw my weight around because I can.

The vicious nature of my words sprays spit on his face as I get close to him. “Did you think about keeping this from me forher?”

He doesn’t say anything. It only enrages me further. I know I’m being unreasonable, but I can’t stand someone not being loyal to me. If I can’t take it out on Lucas, I’ll do it right now with Geo.

Sweat rolls in rivulets down my back as we stand there, my chest heaving. He doesn’t look afraid, more like resigned. He knew this was coming.

“Speak, fucker. You are supposed to be my right hand, the one I depend on. How can I trust you now? How can I trust any of you?” I hold up the wrinkled picture, putting it on his cheek. “If this is Lucas, he will pay. And I can’t promise Arie won’t suffer too.”

“You wouldn’t,” Geo says, and I smirk.

“Finally found your voice, huh?” I whisper.

“I’ve never seen you look so much like your father,” he says, and I still.

He’s right.

Maybe I’m becoming the one thing I never thought I would. A cold, callous, cruel bastard. Just like Bertrand.

“You’ve never threatened a woman,” he continues, and I still don’t move.

Now, I’ve done it twice.

“I’ve never had so much to lose before,” I say, and I can feel his Adam’s apple bob beneath the palm of my hand.
