Page 54 of Scars

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I place my hands on my head and let out a frustrated breath. “Fuck, what am I doing?”

I make my way back into the barn and look around for Riley. We need to talk about this, but she’s nowhere in sight. I need to convince her that this wasn’t a mistake—thatweare not a mistake.

Austin is standing over at one of the high-top tables, so I head in that direction. Maybe he saw which way she went. “Have you seen—”

“What the fuck did you say to her?” His jaw is tight, his fists balled up on the table. His voice is stern but low. “I told you to be careful with her.” I see we’re back to the version of Austin from the other morning.

“I was.”

“Then why the fuck did she come running in here in tears, grab her bag, and bolt?”

“Where is she?” She just up and left? I look around and see there’s another door open on the opposite side of the barn. She must have slipped out there so I wouldn’t see her.

“Home, I assume. That’s where she said she was going, at least.” He grips the back of his neck and exhales loudly. “I swear to God, Cooper, I will never forgive you if something happens to her.”

“Does this have something to do with the…” I trail off. No, that’s none of his business. I know that the two of them are close and as thick as thieves, but would he know about the marks on her thighs? Did she confide in him who hurt her?

Austin and I have a staring contest in the middle of the biggest event in town.Fuck this. I’m wasting valuable time.

“I need to go find her.”

Austin grabs my arm, stopping me before I can walk away. His expression is now slightly softer.

“Here.” He pulls his keys from his pocket and twists until he frees a single bronze key.

“What’s this?”

“My house key. Trust me, you knock on that door, she will ignore you. This way, you can let yourself in.” I accept the key and tuck it into my pocket. “And Cooper, I mean it. You hurt her and we’re done—that’s it. No more chances.”

I nod, heeding his warning. But I have no intention of hurting her—ever again.

I race out of the barn and head straight for my truck. It’s time to get my girl.

Chapter 22


Myhandspressfirmlyinto the tile as the warm water cascades down my body.

If only this water could wash away the sins from dancing with the devil. The devil in the form of a six-foot-two man who made my body come alive with just a few simple touches.

Every spot his fingers touched is still buzzing with need, even after scrubbing the skin raw with my loofah.

What the fuck was I thinking?

It was just the power of Hootenanny, of being swept up in the moment.Yes, that’s it, I lie to myself. Maybe if I repeat it enough times, I’ll actually believe it.

Taylor Swift was speaking a direct line to me when she said that you should have said no. For once, why didn’t I listen to the Queen? I’ve officially failed as a Swiftie.

I should’ve just walked away when I caught on to what Mrs. Graham was up to when she stole Austin right out from under me. Instead, I gave in to his taunts and let him spin me around, showing off that he remembered every move. I don’t know if Cooper was in on his mother’s plan or just saw it as the perfect opportunity.

I should’ve just said thank you for the dance and left the dance floor. Instead, I willingly stepped into his arms once more. Our bodies became one as we swayed to the slow song—no, not just any song.Oursong. In that moment, the years we spent apart were gone, and I was his and he was mine. I allowed my mind to envision what our life would be like: married with two kids and dancing to this song in the middle of our living room just because. But when I looked up and saw the way Cooper was staring at me, reality came crashing down.

Once again, I gave the town enough gossip for days, watching us get lost in each other’s gaze. Things got too intense for me, and I felt like the barn was closing in. I had to get out of there before I did something crazy like kiss him.

Why, of all the times we’ve blown up at each other since his return, did he choosethistime to actually chase after me?

The more I think about it, though, kissing him in front of everyone would have been the safer choice instead of basically assaulting him in the darkness outside of the barn. I made myself vulnerable and put myself in a position I never thought I would ever be in again with him, and I’m the reasona can of worms opened that I’ve never been prepared to face with him.
