Page 63 of Scars

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“Yeah?” He doesn’t take his eyes off the program he’s watching on the TV.

Taking a deep breath, I really let everything that’s happened in the last twenty-four hours—shit, it hasn’t even been an entire day yet—sink in. “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. I’m just glad that you two could work things out without murdering each other because I’m pretty sure since I gave you my key, if she killed you, I could somehow be an accomplice.”

What the fuck?I hold my hand up, shaking my head, unsure I even want to go down whateverthatrabbit hole is.

“I don’t mean the key. I mean—” I try to form the right words to say. I don’t even know that thank you is even enough.

Austin cocks his head to the side and stares intently. He must be able to see it in my eyes or written on my face. “She told you?”

I nod solemnly. “Yeah, all of it. I don’t think there is anything I can do or say to repay you for being there when I couldn’t.” Words catch in my throat, and I hang my head in shame because I can’t help but think that had I not left her, she wouldn’t even have been in that position. I might as well have been the one to hold a blade to her skin.

“Cooper.” Austin scoots closer to me on the couch. “There’s no need to thank me. She means the world to me, and I would do anything for that girl. She’s come a long way from the broken girl I found on the floor of the bathroom.” His face pales, and he swallows hard. “She is seriously the strongest fucking woman—no, person—I know.” No contest from me there—I wholeheartedly agree. “It’s why she runs, you know?”

“What do you mean?” I ask, grabbing my mug and taking a sip.

“It’s her outlet. Some days, I think it’s to escape, and others, it’s to prove something to herself.”

This morning makes a lot more sense to me. Now I feel like a dick for trying to get her to stay.

Austin adjusts his shorts as he moves back to his side of the couch. “But Coop?”


“What I said still holds true. You hurt her and I’ll bury you myself.”

“I’d expect nothing less of you. If I hurt her again, you have my permission to take me out.” I click my tongue against the roof of my mouth. “Although, speaking of violence, I have to say it’s taking all my energy to not punch you in the face right now.” I sink back into the couch and extend my left leg in front of me.

His eyes widen like saucers. “Wait, so when you said she told you all of it, you mean…” He trails off.

“Yup, all of it.” I enunciate each word properly. Even the part about him possibly being in love with her. I mean, honestly, I can’t blame the guy. If I had to pick someone else besides me to love and take care of her, I think Austin would fit the bill. As long as it’s not Tripp Briggs. I rub my temples at the memory of them together. What the fuck was she thinking, seriously?

Austin goes silent, and when I glance over at him, he has his elbow perched on the arm of the couch, moving his hand back and forth over his jaw. “Ry was different this morning. She was getting ready to walk out the door when I got home. She was smiling, and it was like a weight lifted from her. I thought maybe it was from a good dickin’, but now it kinda makes more sense that she told you.”

I choke on my coffee, thankful that my mug was still covering my face, otherwise, I would have sprayed it all over the living room.

Austin chuckles. “Too soon?”

I use the bottom of my shirt to wipe my mouth after setting the mug back down. “Umm, yeah. How ’bout we just never bring up my dick regarding Riley ever again.”

“Aye, aye, Captain,” Austin smirks and salutes with his right hand. However, it’s not a normal salute. His pointer and middle finger make more of a “K” shape in sign language as it moves away from his forehead, just like his brother used to. My breath hitches as my heart plummets to my stomach.Does he even realize he’s doing it?

I quickly stand, needing to put space between us while I gather myself. I can’t even look in his direction as I walk over to a bookshelf on the other side of the room. More photo frames and various books line the shelves. Picking up the framed photo of Tanner and Austin, I chuckle. They’re wearing matching plaid pajamas in front of the Christmas tree. This was a Christmas tradition in the Hayes family—matching pajamas and a photo in front of the tree before opening presents. For a kid, that is the worst form of torture, but I imagine as a mom, there’s sentimental value to the photos, especially when photos are all we have left now.

Austin clears his throat. “You saw him just now, didn’t you?”

I set the frame back down. “How did you—”

“You got this look in your eye. I get that a lot.” He shrugs before looking down at his shirt and picking a spot to scratch, pretending there’s something on the material.

I can’t imagine how that must feel. It’s one thing to always have him on your mind, but to know people sometimes see him when they look at you, especially with certain mannerisms—that’s almost too much.

Austin sighs. “My parents get that look, and sometimes even Riley. It’s just something I’ve gotten used to over the years. You know, I used to call his phone just to hear his voice.” He pauses before smirking. “That stupid fucking message.”

I laugh along with him as we both mock the message in unison.

“Hey, you reached Tanner. You wanna hear a joke? Knock knock! Who’s there? Not me, obviously, so leave a message at the beep.”
