Page 76 of Scars

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“So, what’s good in this town—cow tipping?”

I roll my eyes at his small-town stereotyping, thanks to Hollywood. “Well, there’s this.” I extend my hands as if presenting him with a present that is drinking at the local watering hole. “You missed the fall festival and Hootenanny.”


“Hootenanny. It’s just a big party, really, with dancing.”

My cheeks warm at the memory of where dancing there led Cooper and me.

“Huh.” Ace purses his lips together. “Can’t imagine why you like it here, man,” he teases Coop.

“It’s home.” Cooper squeezes my hip before kissing my temple.

“Oh, and we have the PTA fundraiser after the New Year.” I can’t help but beam when I talk about it.

“What’s that?”

“Every year, the PTA hosts a fundraiser, probably the biggest of the year. It’s a faculty lip-sync contest. It’s a lot of fun, and you are in the presence of champions.”

“Oh, really?” Ace and Cooper say in unison as if they rehearsed it.

“Yup,” I say, popping theP, and take a sip of my beer just as my sister huffs jokingly, “Don’t get them started on this tangent again.”

“Whatever, you’re just jealous,” I taunt.

“Yeah, sure, I’m totally jealous,” she mocks.

“Anyway, ignoring the negative Nancy over there, I don’t want to brag or anything, but Austin and I are reigning champions.”

“Wow.” Cooper whistles. “I had no idea my girlfriend was more famous than me.” I roll my eyes at his sarcasm.

“Yeah, dude, sounds like your girl has more talent in her pinky finger than in your entire body,” Ace snickers.

Cooper mocks him while flipping him the middle finger. “Well, maybe I need to sign up for this and show them there’s a new kid in town and take their crown. After all, Iamconsidered faculty at the moment.”

I spin in Cooper’s arms and wrap my arms around his shoulder. “You’re joking, right?”

Cooper quirks a brow. “Am I? What do you say, Riles? You and Austin up for a little competition?”

I throw my head back in laughter. “Umm, if you’re okay with publicly having your ass handed to you on a platter. Baby, I love you, but I don’t think you realize how serious we take this.” Austin and I have already begun rehearsing our routine earlier this year. Each year after the event, we give ourselves a week of relaxing before we brainstorm for the next one and start practicing right away.

The smug asshole smirks and shrugs. “I’m not scared.”

When Cooper Graham puts his mind to something, he’s not giving up.

“You know what? Let’s do it.” I’m honestly not scared. “Why not make a bet out of it?”

Cooper steeples his fingers as if giving this thought. “Hmm, I like where this is going. Continue.” He extends a hand.

I let out a small giggle. “If I win—” I pause and purse my lips together, trying to come up with something. It takes a few minutes for an idea to come to mind. “If I win, you have to wear the Wally the Wildcat costume”—he’s our high school mascot—“at the dance company’s bake sale in March.”

Cooper grimaces, knowing how hot and sweaty it is in that thing. But by him doing this, it means neither Austin nor I have to do it. Slowly, he nods, though.

“And ifIwin, we’re having a scary movie marathon.” I shrug. That’s not so bad. “Including the original and newItmovies.”And I spoke too soon.

I nearly shoot off his lap, but his hand keeps me in place. “No, absolutely not.” I shake my head over and over. “You know clowns give me fucking nightmares.”

“It’s true,” Sutton chimes in. “Our parents hired a clown for Riley’s sixth birthday, and as soon as she locked eyes with that giant red nose, she bolted, locked herself in her room, and refused to come out till the end of the party.”
