Page 77 of Scars

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“But it shouldn’t be a problem if you feel so confident in your routine, right? Or are you not feeling so great about it?” he teases, and I want to slap that smug smile right off his face. He’s been trying to get me to watch those movies, or, well, the original movies, for as long as I remember. The new ones had just recently come out.

I extend my hand between us, and Cooper looks down at my hand for a second before placing his in mine. His fingers wrap around my hand, and he tugs me forward so our lips are just a breath apart.

“Beep, beep, baby,” Cooper says, making a play on that stupid clown’s phrase before sealing his lips to mine. My hand leaves his and travels up his chest to the back of his neck. Our surroundings fade, and all that’s left are me and Cooper.

“Sweet Jesus, you two need a room before I have to go relieve the ache forming in my balls in the bathroom.”

Cooper groans in my mouth at Ace’s crassness, and I can’t stop laughing.

“What’d I miss?” Austin asks as he returns from the restroom and slips back into his chair.

“Oh, you know, Cooper and Riley dry humping and Ace’s aching balls,” my sister says as if it’s an everyday topic like the weather.

“Alrighty then,” Austin responds, swiping his drink from the table. “I think, on that note, I’m just going to head on over—” He looks behind him. “Well, honestly, anywhere else besides here. Anyone up for a game of darts?”

“Oh, me,” I pipe up, taking a large gulp, finishing my drink, and placing it back down.

“Sutton, wanna join and watch me kick your sister’s ass?” Austin holds his hand out to her.

She throws her head back in laughter as she accepts it and allows him to pull her up to her feet. “More like watch my sister kickyourass.”

True story—and the best part is my sister is just as good as I am, so when Austin gets done with me kicking his ass, Sutton will wipe the floor with him.

Chapter 32


“Ilikeher,man,”Ace chuckles beside me with a beer propped in his hand as we watch Riley and Sutton dance around Austin after Riley hit her second bullseye on the dartboard. We figured while the Parker sisters schooled Austin at a game of darts, the least we could do was to make sure he had a fresh, ice-cold beverage waiting for him at the table.

Honestly, I can’t tell if he’s referring to Riley or her sister, though. He’s pretty fucking dumb if he thinks I or anything with a pulse can’t pick up on whatever chemistry is happening between them.

“Looks like the major league decided to dump their trash here. Someone should really tell them to be more environmentally friendly.” That voice makes my blood boil.

“Fuck off, Briggs.” I turn and give him my back. Tonight is about having fun with my girl and friends. The last thing I need is this fucking tool fucking that up.

“Well, hello there,” Ace says, standing up straight. “I don’t believe we’ve met.” He holds out his hand to shake Tripp’s, but Tripp just looks down at it as if it’s disease-ridden. While I can’t say the same about his dick, his hand should be fine.

“I know who the fuck you are.” Jesus, is there ever a time when Tripp Briggs doesn’t have a stick up his ass?

“Great, glad that’s established. This here is my buddy, Coop. And I believe he just told you to fuck off.”

Thankfully, Mercedes has perfect timing and delivers a tray of refreshed drinks so we can head back to the table. Ignoring the stares from Tripp and his brother, Leighton, I turn to Ace. “Just drop it, come on.”

“That’s right, just up and run away. That’s what you’re best at, right? Eventually, you’ll leave again, and that pussy will be mine.”

Rage blankets my eyes, and before I can even think not to, I swing around and slam my fist directly into Tripp’s face. The sound of bone meeting flesh fills my ears, followed by screams.

Tripp falls to the floor, and I step up, hovering over him. I grip the collar of his shirt. “Don’t you ever fucking talk about Riley like that ever again.”

I crank my fist back to take another swing, but I’m shoved forward and lose my balance. I glance over my shoulder to see Leighton standing there.

“Hey, dipshit, I said to leave my friend alone,” Ace shouts, punching Leighton.

I ignore the calling of my name and continue to beat the shit out of Tripp. Years of unleashed aggression are finally free. It’s one thing to taunt me, but the moment Riley’s name passed his lips, he sealed his fate.

“Alright, break it up,” a deep voice bellows. The next thing I know, I’m being hauled off Tripp, blood dripping from his nose, and metal grips my wrist as I’m placed in handcuffs.

Fuck, so much for a fun and relaxing evening.
