Page 92 of Scars

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Will I trip?

Will I remember my facial expressions and to not look down?

But the most important thing I remind myself of is to smile and have fun.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve stepped out onto a stage since I was three years old. But it doesn’t matter because the same sense of nerves always washes over me while I wait in anticipation for the music to start. Even though I know the choreography better than the back of my hand, it doesn’t mean I’m not internally freaking out right now. When the music starts, adrenaline will replace the nerves, and I’ll lose myself in the steps.

My mind focuses, going over the choreography, when arms wrap around me from behind, causing me to startle.

“It’s just me,” Cooper whispers in my ear.

“Jesus, Coop, are you trying to give me a heart attack? I’m pretty sure if I can’t perform, that automatically null and voids the terms of our bet.”

“I wouldn’t dare dream about it.” Cooper twists me around to face him before taking a step back to take in my outfit.

Neither of us was willing to share which song we were performing, but I’m pretty sure it’s now pretty explanatory that Austin and I are performing “I2I” by Powerline fromThe Goofy Movie.Austin and I are both wearing bright yellow onesies that we bought online.

When I had originally told Austin my plan last year, he was dead set against it.

“No, absolutely not. I’m going to look like a giant banana,” he complained when I suggested we wear matching yellow jumpsuits to channel our inner Powerline fromThe Goofy Movie.

While I’ve loved our previous routines—Danny and Sandy fromGreaseand Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers—I’m not sure any performance will ever top this one. The icing on the cake won’t only be winning the competition and adding a third trophy to the shelf in our house but kicking Cooper’s ass.

Cooper rubs his jaw as he appraisingly checks out my outfit.

“You know, I typically prefer you naked, but I’m digging this look.” His finger traces my body from top to bottom, following the line of his eyesight.

We’re saved by the bell—or, well, the end of the song—before he can say anything further.

I smile at the art department as they make their way offstage. “Great job, guys.”

“Please welcome to the stage our defending champions, Riley Parker and Austin Hayes,” Principal Horne announces.

“See how it’s done, babe,” I shout over my shoulder to Cooper.

He steps forward and spanks my ass, and I let out a shriek. “Go get ’em, tiger,” he laughs.

As soon as I step out onstage, my heart races.

Thump. Thump.

Thump. Thump.

Thump. Thump.

I’m surprised the audience can’t hear the steady beat of my heart as I walk in complete darkness and take my position beside Austin. The seconds feel like they turn into days as we wait for the music to start.

Just before I cross my arms, fingers wrap around mine and give them a reassuring squeeze. I follow the arm up to find Austin staring at me. Even in the darkness, I can see his styled hair sticking straight up. We used about half a bottle of gel to get it to stick up like Powerline.

“We got this,” he says in a hushed tone, knowing that if he speaks too loudly, it will echo on the stage out to the audience.

“I know,” I whisper back before crossing my arms over my chest.

Blue, red, and purple lights flash on the stage, matching the opening beats of our song.

I plaster a huge smile on my face, getting into character just as the lights light up the stage.

The opening dance moves are simple yet match the upbeat tone. My smile doubles when I see out of the corner of my eye Austin’s mouth moving, not to the lyrics like we’re supposed to be but counting. He’s so focused on not missing a single step.
