Page 93 of Scars

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We fall into rhythm and motion, and as the song progresses, the moves get a little more intricate. Ignoring Cooper in the wings and his loud cheers, I allow myself to get lost in the music and the audience. I’m not an English teacher performing in her high school but literally living out my Lizzie McGuire fantasy and pretending I’m a pop star onstage. I know, I know, wrong Disney movie, but same generation.

We have a whole stunt section planned for the instrumental guitar solo. However, as soon as I cross my right ankle over my left and twist around, it’s not the stock video footage we have from a concert venue on the screen. The screen goes blank for a second before a new video appears. I bring both hands to cover my mouth as I gasp.

Tears well in my eyes as I watch home video footage of Tanner playing his guitar to what looks like the exact beat of the song. It’s when he looks up at the camera, points, and winks, as if he is doing it directly at me, that the tears finally spill.Thank God my mascara is waterproof.

I look over to the side of the stage, where Cooper stands with his arms crossed over his chest. Even though he quickly wipes away a tear, it’s his smile that gives him away. It’s not one of shock, but it’s as if he’s proud of himself for pulling this off.

How did he do this?

Why is Austin not as fazed and surprised as I am? Did he know?

During the entire instrumental part, I stand here like a deer in headlights. So much for our planned choreography.

When the lyrics start back up, I’m still in shock at the screen behind me until Austin slides up next to me and gives my hip a small check with his own that causes me to stumble to the side.

He gives me a stern look that’s both apologetic and telling me to get it together.

I turn to face the audience and, for a moment, completely forget where I am and what I’m supposed to be doing. Closing my eyes to catch my breath, I find my focus and pretend that somewhere out in the audience is Tanner dancing along with us.

I open my eyes and get back into character just in time to link my arms with Austin and flip over his back as the song gets its loudest, indicating it’s time for our big finale.

Austin and I spent hours watching YouTube videos on learning the choreography done inThe Goofy Movieduring this scene—a rendition of Goofy’s perfect cast.

Austin thought I was possibly certifiably insane for wanting to recreate it, and who knows, it’s quite possible that I am, in fact, certifiable, but Austin and I nailed it during every rehearsal.

The crowd goes wild. I’m sure the parents of the students recognize the moves more so than the students.

We each dance toward the front of the stage to hype up the crowd and get them cheering, clapping our hands and inserting a few improvised moves.

As soon as the lights finally fade, I rush off the stage and jump directly into Cooper’s open arms.

“Oh my God,” I shriek. “I can’t believe you and Austin did that and didn’t tell me.”

I slide down his body reluctantly and give his chest a slight shove, but he doesn’t even move, not even in the slightest. His hands remain firmly planted on my hips.

“I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not.” He chuckles, brushing a stray hair off my sweaty forehead. “It was important for Tanner to be a part of today.”

“What do you mean, a part of today?” He’s not exactly making sense at the moment.

Cooper leans down and kisses the tip of my nose. “All in due time, baby.” He winks.

What the fuck does that mean?

“Now, go take your seat.” He nods toward the stage exit that leads to the audience.

“Why can’t I stay here to watch you?”

“Because I’m asking you nicely,” he lies through his teeth, followed by a panty-melting smile.

“What are you up to, Cooper James?” I narrow my eyes at him. I smell bullshit here. He’s clearly playing dirty and has something up his sleeve.

“Nothing.” He spins me around and gives me a tiny push toward the door.

“I got my eye on you, mister,” I taunt over my shoulder.

“I hope so. That way,youcan see how a real winner performs.”

I roll my eyes but willingly leave backstage and make my way to the seat reserved in the front row.
