Page 18 of The Sheriff's Omega

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“I gotcha, girl. Let’s win this bear.” Renee’s eyes narrowed, and she studied the board of balloons.

“I think they’ve stolen your kids,” Mack said, sighing as he watched Lacey and Tris wander toward the food trucks as Renee hit three balloons in a row, making Daphne cheer.

“Still got one left,” Roe said, tickling Benji.

“Sheriff McKenzie, look at you,” a young man said, sliding in between Mack and Roe. “Oh, that’s just the cutest little baby.”

With blond hair and bright‍-‍blue eyes, the man was stunning. He looked vaguely familiar, but Roe couldn’t place him.

“Hey, Griff.” Mack smiled down at the young man. “Meet Benji.”

Griff practically cooed, but he wasn’t looking at Benji. He was staring adoringly at Mack. “I just love a handsome man with a baby.”

Roe scowled, his gut churning unpleasantly.

“Oh my, is that our hunky sheriff?” another man asked, moving to stand next to Griff. Three more young men followed, gathering around them and unsubtly shoving Roe further away.

“I never noticed how blue your eyes are, Sheriff,” a dark‍-‍haired man said, smiling sweetly.

“Do you work out every day?” another asked. “Parker told me the station has a small workout area, and your muscles are so firm.” He squeezed Mack’s arm. “Feel his muscles, Nico. Aren’t they firm?”

“They’re sooo firm, Ernie.” Nico fanned himself.

Mack looked puzzled, but he shrugged off their comments. Roe, however, wasn’t at all confused. Heknewwhat kind of men these were. They were uniform groupies, or whatever they called them. They probably followed Mack around, hoping to get his attention.

“Sleazy,” he muttered, crossing his arms across his chest. If Mack wasn’t careful, he’d find himself in a compromising position.

Roe ignored the little voice in his head that was laughing its ass off at his reaction. It may sound a bit Victorian, but Mack held an important position in town and needed to be aware of his reputation. Sleazy men could cause a lot of problems, and really, if Roe could help even a little, he would. It was his civic duty.

“Such a cute baby,” Nico said, practically whimpering as he tucked himself in against Mack’s side.

Mack nodded agreeably. “Roe said Benji looks just like his great‍-‍grandpa Ben. Freckles and all.”

Roe stomped his foot and growled. Nico wasn’t interested in Roe’s baby’s freckles. He wanted Mack’s body, damn it. Wally snickered, but Roe ignored him.

“Enough of this shit.” He shoved his way through the throng of hussies and pried Nico from Mack’s side to take his place. “Honey, I’m ready for the food trucks. How about you?”

Mack looked down at him, head cocked to the side. “Huh?”

Obviously, Roe’s friend wasn’t very observative. Hopefully he was better at spotting crime. “Darling,” Roe said, drawing out the word. “Food trucks. Now.”

“Um, okay?” Mack looked at Benji as if the toddler could explain what was happening. Benji grinned and kissed his cheek.

Good idea, Roe thought and quickly leaned up and pressed his lips to Mack’s. The instant they touched, he promptly forgot that he was only doing this to protect Mack from uniform groupies. The sounds of the crowd and the pop of the balloons faded away. Blood rushed to his head, and all he could hear was his own quickening heartbeat. All he could smell was the warm pine scent of Mack’s cologne mixing with his natural smell. Heaven.

His eyes closed as heat rushed through him, and he melted against Mack. Wrapping one arm around his neck and settling one hand on the back of his head, his fingers tangled with his soft, short hair. His lips were softer than Roe thought they would be, and his jaw was a little bristly.

Mack tasted sweet, like cotton candy and soda. All of Roe’s guilty pleasures combined. His mouth opened against Roe’s, and he deepened the kiss, delving into him, soaking up every heated sensation he could.

What seemed like hours passed as Roe learned the feel and taste of Mack’s kiss. He was sure he would be happy to stand there all night long, but Benji’s soft pats against his cheek brought him straight back to reality.

Roe pulled away, breaking the kiss with a low moan. Mack watched him in a daze, eyes full of confused heat.

Roe cleared his throat and glared at the giggling men around them. “There, see. He’s taken. Go find someone else to shamelessly flirt with.”

“Huh?” Mack tilted his head again, eyes still on Roe.

“They’re shameless,” Roe said, waving at the laughing men. “All shameless.”

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