Page 20 of The Sheriff's Omega

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“You’re Justin’s brother, Griff, and you’re Abel’s brother, Ernie?” Roe asked, eyeing the two men. “And Nico here is an honorary Wilson and lives with Gramps and his wife?”

“Don’t worry if you can’t keep it all straight,” Eduardo said, shrugging. “By the time you move here, you’ll have it all figured out.”

“You’re moving here?” Mack asked, pleased.

Roe flushed as he met Mack’s gaze. “The kids like it here a lot.”

Daphne hugged her new bear. “Yeah, Dad. Let’s pretend that kiss has nothing to do with why you really want to move here. Playing make believe is fun.”

Renee snickered. “Hug your emotional support bear and leave him alone.”

Daphne buried her face against the stuffed animal with a groan. “I can still see it.”

“We need drinks, don’t we?” Mack asked, voice gruff. “I’ll go get us some drinks.”

He stumbled a bit getting up from the table, but made a quick exit. He had been waiting in line for a few moments before he noticed Lacey standing at his side.

She watched him, eyes bright with laughter. “I’ve never seen you like this, Dad.”

Mack shrugged sheepishly. “That kiss took me by surprise.”

“Are you into him?” she asked, nibbling her lip. “You haven’t dated anyone since Dad passed. I just thought you weren’t interested in that anymore.”

“No one wants to be alone,” he said, pulling her into a hug. “I haven’t been unhappy alone, but I like Roe a lot. We’ve talked for hours every evening since he arrived. He’s a good listener and a good friend.”

“Is that all?” she asked, a little smirk playing across her lips.

Mack groaned, his face heating up. “He’s also handsome and kind. I like being around him, and that kiss was‍—‍”

“Okay, okay.” She held up her hands. “I’m surprised but in a good way. His kids are nice, too. I think Renee wants to adopt Daphne, but I’ll try to rein her in.”

Mack chuckled. “We’d miss her if you stole her.”

They moved forward with the line.

“Have you all heard anything about Roe’s case?” Lacey asked after a moment.

“Cain called a few days ago.” Mack sighed. “They arrested the man who tried to run him off the road, but he posted bail. He wasn’t talking, but Wally’s company traced him back to Gabriel. They have been meeting up at a bar near James’s company for the past three months.”

“Are the police taking it seriously this time?”

Mack was quiet for a moment, thinking hard. “Not really, and I don’t understand why not. They seem to be playing it off as if Roe arranged everything to garner attention. They even tried to talk Cain into dropping the charges.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.” Lacey scowled. “There has to be something else going on.”

“They’re looking into it. All we can do is keep Roe and the kids safe and happy.”

“Tris leaves for college next week,” Lacey said, sounding sad. “I wish I would have come by when they first arrived. I wanted to give them space, but I really like them.”

Mack hugged her again. “You’re a good one, Lacey baby.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not a baby anymore.”

“You’ll always be my baby.”

They fetched drinks and brought them to the others. Ernie was in the middle of describing a few of the outfits he’d knitted for one of the festival events coming up.

“Arthur looks so cute in his bumblebee costume,” Ernie said. “I actually used one I’d made for Maury and just resized it. I really hope someone wants to adopt him.”
