Page 23 of The Sheriff's Omega

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“We were having dinner,” Tommy said with his eyes lowered. “He always eats first, but Beth was hungry. We hadn’t had lunch because we were at the festival, and Mom doesn’t like us eating junk food. Beth just wanted to eat.”

“He said I whined, but I didn’t whine,” Beth said with a trembling lip. “I just asked.”

“He got mad and hit her.” Tommy looked up, and his eyes were full of rage. “He never hits Beth. Never.”

Mack nodded. “He did this time.”

“Yeah.” Tommy looked back down. “I hit him back. I punched him right in the face.”

“Daddy was so mad,” Beth said, swallowing hard. “His face turned purple, and I thought he’d kill Tommy.”

“Mom”‍—‍Tommy’s voice broke‍—‍“Mom told us to go outside. She started talking to him, trying to calm him down. We went to the treehouse and pulled up the hanging ladder. That way, he couldn’t get us.”

Mack looked back into the kitchen. Layla Scott had kept his temper busy so he wouldn’t hurt her children.

“We heard him yelling,” Beth said, hiccupping through her tears. “He killed her, didn’t he?”

Mack shared a look with Tommy.

“I saw him do it,” the boy whispered. “I saw him through the window. He hit her and kicked her for a while. Every time he headed for the door, he’d stop and go back to her. Then, he looked real surprised for a minute before running out the door.”

Mack let Tommy talk him through everything, and he wished the world were a better place, wished he’d been there to protect them.

By the time Michelle arrived, the kids were nestled in Mack’s Jeep with their overnight bags packed.

“You sure, Sheriff?” she asked, arching a brow. “You have company right now, and there are a few other temporary options.”

Mack shook his head. “I need them under my roof tonight.”

She rolled her eyes but smiled at him. “I knew you would say that. I’ll come by tomorrow and check in with them.”

“Thanks, Michelle.” He waved her away and returned to the kitchen. The county forensics team was still processing evidence, and there had been no sign of Eugene Scott anywhere. There were a few ways the situation could go, and none of them were good.

Parker looked up from his clipboard. “I got this, Sheriff, if you want to take the kids home.”

“Are you sure?” Mack asked. “It’s a lot of paperwork, and Scott is still missing.”

“We have eyes and ears out.” Parker shrugged. “Nothing to do until we find him. You might as well get rest for tomorrow. I can sleep when I’m off shift.”

The drive home was quiet. Tommy and Beth were in shock.

Roe and Wally met them at the door with smiles. Roe still held Arthur like a baby, gently patting the bunny’s back, and Fergie danced at their feet, happy to meet new people.

Beth and Tommy pet the dog and said hello.

“I made some mac and cheese,” Wally said. “You two want some?”

Beth nodded. “I’m hungry.”

“Come on in, little lady. I make top-notch mac and cheese.” Wally led the two kids to the kitchen.

“It’s not even from a box,” Roe said, shrugging. “Who knew he had more skills?”

Mack wrapped his arms around Roe, soaking in his warmth and calming presence.

“Was it bad?” Roe asked.

“Really bad,” Mack answered, burying his face against Roe’s neck. “Thank you for being here.”
