Page 24 of The Sheriff's Omega

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“Nowhere else I’d rather be.” Roe stroked circles against Mack’s back. “We’ll get them fed and settled down for the night. Wally already double‍-‍checked the security system, and he’ll patrol all night. I think he hopes their dad will show up here.”

“I do, too,” Mack said, tightening his arms around Roe. “Don’t tell Gramps I said that. He’ll want to hide the body.”

Chapter 8

Roe set another plate of waffles in the middle of the table. Four teens ate a lot, though he supposed Beth wasn’t technically a teenager yet. He was happy to see the Scott children had an appetite. They’d slept heavily the night before, too. He’d checked on them on and off, worried that they would be upset. They were, but not to the detriment of their health, thankfully.

Daphne bumped her shoulder into Beth’s. “You want more bacon? Wally doesn’t burn it like Dad does.”

“Wow, thanks, sweetheart,” Roe said with a snort before he gave Wally a pleading look. “Can you please make us more bacon?”

Wally grinned and went back to the stove. “Sure thing, boss.”

“If only he listened so well all the time,” Roe mumbled, sitting down beside Tommy.

Mack came into the room, still on the phone. He was dressed in uniform and looked decidedly yummy. “I’ll be there in five, Tanner.”

“You need to eat,” Roe reminded him once he’d ended the call.

Mack winced. “I don’t think I’ll have time. Wait a minute. Is that Arthur in your shirt?”

Roe’s floofy boy was tucked into his sweatshirt, and the rabbit’s head and front paws poked out the top. “He likes to stay close to me.”

“Daddy’s bunny,” Benji said, pouting. “I want to hold.”

“Not at the breakfast table, sweetie.” Roe stood and grabbed a napkin. He used two waffles and the last of the bacon to make a breakfast sandwich. “Not the healthiest, but it’s food.”

Mack gave him a soft look and took the sandwich. “Thank you. I’ll see you all tonight.”

Roe leaned up and gave him a brief kiss, wishing they had time for more. “See you later.”

Mack said goodbye to the kids and left, locking the front door behind himself.

After a very quiet moment, Roe looked up from his plate. Daphne and Tris were staring at him with matching grins.

“What?” he asked, flushing.

“Nothing,” Tris said with a chuckle. “We’re just enjoying seeing you happy.”

“It’s gross and cute all at the same time.” Daphne shrugged. “Anyway, what do you all want to do today?”

Tommy and Beth didn’t have time to answer before the doorbell rang.

“Stay here,” Wally ordered, handing Roe the spatula. “And don’t burn the bacon.”

“Yes sir,” Roe muttered, scowling.

A few moments later, the kitchen filled with people, most of them familiar. Gramps and his wife, Grammy, herded the crowd into the room.

A pretty black girl went straight to Tommy and hugged him. “I’m so sorry, Tommy. Are you and Beth alright?”

The look of peace on Tommy’s face as he hugged the girl back was all Roe needed to know she was important to him. “Thanks for coming, Tali. We’ll be okay.”

Another teen, a boy, sat beside Beth. “Hey, nice shiner.”

She ducked her head and smiled. “Hi, Drew.”

“Sorry to interrupt your breakfast,” Gramps said, moving to stand at the stove with Roe. “Tali is close to Tommy and was really worried. We were just going to bring her, but the rest of the kids wanted to come, too.”
