Page 27 of The Sheriff's Omega

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“When did she get here?” Mack asked.

“Right before dinner.” Roe followed him into the kitchen. “I invited her and Renee for game night. Just so you know, they were happy with the salad I made, too.”

“I’m sure the salad is delicious.”

Benji made a face then wiggled out of Mack’s arms. “I get chair.”

“I think that’s why he likes pancakes so much.” Roe smiled after his son. “He gets to help you make them.”

“That kid already owns my heart,” Mack said, watching Benji push a chair toward them. “Surprise babies are the absolute best.”

“Agreed.” Roe leaned back on the counter, resting his ankle. “How was today?”

“Alright, but we still haven’t tracked down Eugene Scott. I’m starting to wonder if he ran at all.”

“What do you mean?”

“We know he took his car, but there’s been no sign of him anywhere in Hobson Hills or the other two nearby towns. If he left the area, someone would have seen him. I think he’s hunkered down somewhere.”

“What are you going to do?” Roe asked, pulling himself up to sit on the counter. “Tommy and Beth are petrified that he’s going to come for them.”

“We’re going to focus on the national park. There are a few roads up there and a ton of hiking trails. Lots of camping and hunting spots.”

Benji finally managed to get the chair to them, so Roe changed the topic to a lighter one. “What do you all think about blueberry pancakes?”

“Yummy,” Benji said, rubbing his belly.

“Pancakes?” Tris asked, coming into the room. “Will you make us some too, Mack? Tali and her brother Drew are here, so there’s eight of us plus Benji. Oh, Wally, do you want pancakes?”

Wally sat nearby, reading a book. He didn’t bother to look up. “Second dinner sounds great.”

“Heathens,” Roe hissed. “You’re all heathens.” Now he just had to figure out how to ask for pancakes while remaining outraged with everyone else.

A few hours later,Roe finally had some alone time with Mack. The kids were in bed and Lacey and Renee had gone home. They sat in his studio, curled together on Roe’s chair.

“I’m worried about Tommy.” Roe nuzzled Mack’s neck, taking in the alpha’s heavenly scent. The calm it brought in him was a little frightening. James’ scent had done nothing for him.

“What about? Him and Beth seem to be doing alright, all things considered.”

Roe leaned back so he could meet Mack’s gaze. “He isn’t doing anything wrong. It’s just that I find him sometimes when he’s alone and he looks so mad. Like he can’t keep all the emotion inside and wants to break the world in half. Tali and Beth both help, but he needs something else. I just don’t know what. He’s been through so much, and I can only imagine what he’s feeling.”

“I’ll ask Michelle for advice,” Mack said, hugging him. “They meet with a therapist next week, but she may have an idea of something more. We just need to make sure they know we’re there for them, no matter what.”

“Yes.” Roe nuzzled Mack’s neck again. “You smell so good.”

“Really? I haven’t showered yet.” Mack cupped Roe’s cheek. “May I kiss you?”

Roe smiled softly. “Anytime, anywhere.”

Mack kissed him, lips soft and warm, tongue slipping inside Roe’s mouth.

Roe settled into Mack’s embrace, letting his safety and strength surround him. The small fire in his belly grew slowly with every touch of Mack’s lips.

Mack moved his mouth to Roe’s neck. “I could kiss you all night.”

“Promises, promises.” Roe tilted his head, making more room for Mack. He moaned when Mack bit his shoulder through his t-shirt, his body hot and full of want, his dick painfully hard. “It’s be a while, Ian. If you keep this up, I’m going to embarrass myself.”

“Now who’s making promises?” Mack spread his legs and adjusted Roe on his lap, careful of his injured ankle. They rocked against each other, breathing heavily in between wet kisses.
