Page 37 of The Sheriff's Omega

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“Seriously?” Abel leaned over the front seat. “How could he still be in town for so long and no one saw him?”

“I’m thinking he’s been right there since the day he killed Layla,” Mack said shrugging. “Someone killed him.”

“This is going to hurt Tommy and Beth,” Roe said, biting his lip. “They’re just settling in with Lacey and Renee.”

“I think they’ll be relieved and upset both,” Lacey said, giving them a sad look.

“We’ll get them through it,” Abel patted Lacey’s shoulder. “That’s what friends do. Now, why don’t you tell Sheriff McKenzie more about your itchy belly, Roe?”

Roe rolled his eyes. “Poison. Ivy.”

Mack nodded, eyes dancing with laughter. “When’s the last time your omega line itched so much?”

“When I was preg… Oh my god, Ian. I may be pregnant.” Roe’s heart sped up as he pulled his shirt up, staring down at his flat belly. His omega line was pink and a little swollen. “I’m forty-seven. This shouldn’t have happened.”

“Surprise,” Grey said, laughing. “Well, Roe, when an alpha and an omega meet and like each other, sometimes they rub –”

Caden covered Grey’s mouth. “Shh, now. Shh.”

Lacey closed her eyes. “Just when I thought you two couldn’t be anymore embarrassing. It better be a girl. That’s all I’m going to say.”

“Ian, what if I’m pregnant?” Roe swallowed hard. “I take naps every afternoon now. I barely have the energy to chase Benji around. That’s what Daphne’s for. Do you think Arthur will like having a little sister or brother. Oh, I hope it’s a girl. No, no, I’ll love them no matter what.”

Mack leaned forward and kissed him, successfully stopping his rambling. “You all go home. I’ll get your statements tomorrow. Roe, make a doctor appointment. I want to know how long I have to work on my cardio so I can chase more babies around.”

Roe pressed cool hands to his warm cheeks. “Yeah, okay. Oh my god. Dead body, maybe having a baby, big day here. Big day.”

Roe wantedto wait up for Mack to get home, but he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Mack’s bed was partly to blame. It was ridiculously comfortable. Their room was a little more cluttered now with Roe’s things mixed in with Mack’s. Plus, Mmrr had told them she needed a cat tower for their room.

He woke when the bed dipped as Mack crawled in, slipping behind him to spoon Roe. Light filtered through the curtains, falling across a sleeping corgi and rabbit.

“You’re just now getting home?”

“Processed the scene and had to wait for forensics to pick up the body.” Mack nuzzled the back of Roe’s neck. “Called Lacey. She’ll keep the kids home today and tell them. Give them time to process before sending them back to school.”

“We can take them to visit Diane at the ranch too.” Roe’s eyes fluttered close as he smiled. “I took a pregnancy test on the way home.”


“I’m finally getting those six kids counting Lacey. You and Darren were so considerate to create her for me.”

Mack laughed and hugged him tighter. “You’re welcome, love.”

Chapter 12

One Year Later

Lacey finished knotting Mack’s tie. “You look handsome, Dad. I’m so happy for you and Roe.” She smirked. “I’m really glad I didn’t talk you into downsizing to an apartment.”

Mack snorted. “I told you I needed all those rooms.”

With a teen, a toddler, and an infant to house, they put the large home Mack and Darren had bought to good use. Tris even had a room to stay in when he visited from school.

“I can’t believe I have a five-month-old sister.” Lacey sighed. “Ernie Wilson keeps sending me links to stories of women that were betrayed, robbed, or murdered by their younger sister. I hate him so much.”

Mack kissed her forehead. “He’s just jealous that he doesn’t have a Sherri baby of his own.”

Roe had given birth to a healthy little girl. The pregnancy and birth hadn’t been easy, but they had something special to show for it. They had wanted to wait for Sherri to arrive before they got married. Mack had barely survived Lacey’s wedding, so he had been happy with a long engagement.
