Page 39 of The Sheriff's Omega

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“Love you too, Lady Bug.” Mack had trouble believing he’d gotten so lucky. His kids were perfect sweethearts.

Lacey sniffled again. “Stop being sweet.”

He chuckled and got in position, Renee and Lacey moving to stand with Tommy and Beth. Just in time too. Tris escorted Roe toward him, Arthur taking the place of a bouquet and wearing a teal tie. Of course, Arthur would be there. Mack shook his head with a chuckle, then focused on Roe.

Everything disappeared except his beautiful omega.

Roe had chosen a black and teal tuxedo with a silk jacket embroidered with roses. He had been worried it was too flashy, but he looked absolutely perfect to Mack.

In seconds, Roe was there beside him and Mack was lost in his eyes. Lost in his perfect face. Instinct and practice allowed him to reply appropriately when Gramps prompted him, but the only thing he would remember from the ceremony was the warmth of Roe’s sweet smile and the feel of his artist hands joined with Mack’s.

Before he knew it, Gramps was nudging him. “You’re free to kiss your husband, Sheriff.”

Roe pulled him down and pressed their lips together. Mack lost himself in the love of his omega, certain that their future would be beautiful because Roe would be at his side.
