Page 115 of Stars At Dusk

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Finally, after ten laps of crazy adrenaline, their time on the raceway ended, and she eased her foot off the accelerator. ‘That was off the charts,’ she breathed as they coasted to a stop, her heart rate still flying. ‘I can see why they dubbed it Nirvana. Because I think I just went to heaven.Sante, love. That was unforgettable.’

Kage grinned. ‘You were off the charts,kara. I’ve a newfound respect for you. You killed it.’

Moments later, they exited the car and wandered into the changing tents to switch back into their regular clothes.

‘Hungry?’ Kage asked when Harlow joined him.


‘Good thing then that it’s not just the corners that make the race track popular. The Nirvana is a major complex with rec facilities, retail outlets, restaurants and bars. There’s even a hotel complete with waterfalls and gardens.’

The domed light above was waning into dusk as he took her hand, and they wandered towards the restaurants and into a small seafood cafe where a menu of fresh crabs, lobsters, and fish was on show. ‘Fresh from Dunia,’ the outdoor menu stated.

‘Best on the rock,’ Kage confirmed.

Harlow’s eyes lit up, her appetite worked up by racing and the delicious aroma of sizzling food, and he noted it with a grin.

Kage ordered a platter of delicious fresh seafood and cold drinks. Then, they sat outside at a small table, enjoying their food and the view.

After lunch, they continued their walk, taking in the sights and sounds of the racetrack. Finally, they paused at a high point above the speed lanes, where far off on the horizon, the heavens seemed to meet the track in a dizzying clash of starlight.

‘Never met a girl who satisfies my body, mind, heart and soul as you do,kara,’ Kage whispered as he slipped his hands around her and held her from behind, kissing her temple.

She turned to face him, and they necked like high school kids.

She pressed herself to him and felt his arousal. A rush of need for him overcame her. ‘Let’s go home. I want to taste you again from head to toe.’

‘And I want to make love to you, then go to sleep knowing you’re by my side.’

And that’s precisely what happened.


The following week unfolded with more of the same. Harlow and Kage went to work. Then, they returned to his apartment. They cooked, and they ate. They made love.

They dabbled in foreplay, game-play, everywhere-they-could-reach play. They went slow, fast, and everything in-between. Harlow gave herself over to love. Kage’s variety. He was the most skilful lover she’d ever had and the most considerate, and she was utterly present for it.

She experienced highs she’d never felt before. She explored her body, or rather, he explored it for her, taking her to new heights of feeling and sensation with his lips, tongue, fingers, and, more importantly, his heart and mind.

She fell increasingly for him, appreciating his lack of pressure and patience with her. And when they made love, they lost themselves entirely in each other. Harlow felt if the skies ever fell, they’d be utterly oblivious to the shattering of stars around them.

Leaving their love nest each morning and going to work proved to be a trial. She ached for him every moment she was away from him, as she did now after a long day at the Proto-XE lab.

She kicked off her heels under her desk. Today she’d dolled up. The skirt grey, and the blouse, a pale lilac with pearl buttons. Her classic pumps were crafted from glossy patent leather, with an elegant pointed-toe silhouette adorned with a gold plaque. Her killah heels. Her work flex.

She’d needed to look the part earlier that day while presenting the prototype of her project to a group of engineers who’d be repurposing the drive of the next stage test vehicle, a corvette, into a hybrid fuel engine. The meet had gone well, but she rarely wore heels, and her feet ached. She wondered whether Kage would rub them for her - if she asked nicely.

Speaking of.It was 1730. Kage usually came by around this time for her, and as she packed her gear, she felt her heartbeat race in anticipation of seeing him.

Minutes passed, and he still hadn’t shown. So Harlow shut up shop, slid back on her impossible heels and headed out in search of him.

She walked into his office and abruptly stopped just inside the door.

Kage, Xion and Kainan turned to look at her. They sat in conference before the large holo screens in Kage’s office.

‘Oh, I’m so sorry,’ she stammered, backing away. ‘I didn’t know -.’

‘Kara, stay,’ Kage gently said, with a commanding edge. He flicked his hand towards the seating area. ‘We’re just wrapping up.’
