Page 116 of Stars At Dusk

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Harlow slowly approached the couch in his office and sat down tentatively.

Kage’s eyes softened for a moment as he tracked her across the room before turning back to his fellow Riders. They spoke low and deep, so she nabbed her bag, pulled out her comm tab, and leaned back onto the couch to read her messages.

She watched the trio from the corner of her eye.Damn, these Riders were something else.Intelligent, capable and ruthless, from the set of their faces and the energy they were throwing off. Clearly, someone or something had pissed them off.

Kage had a stern look on his face. Xion was more relaxed, leaning back into his chair. Kainan, a severe expression on his face, listened carefully to the other two men, rising from his seat at one point to pace the room.

The men were discussing a business security concern. She heard the name Rinnax and noted Kage was laying out a plan for the Group to respond to their threat. Xion asked questions and offered suggestions while the Kainan nodded in agreement. Their discussion was focused and no holds barred. Harlow pitied the fools on the receiving end of the justice The Sable Group were planning to unleash.

As the meeting went on, the men’s strong personalities became more and more apparent. They were all leaders and equal in their own right, and their confidence was evident in everything they said and did. She felt a measure of pride that they also considered her a worthy equal.

She looked down at her screen and left them to it, losing herself in calculating the payload capacity required for the corvette engines they were building for the planned hybrid engines.

‘I hear congratulations are in order?’ Kainan said, interrupting her flow. He’d left the meeting and wandered closer to the couch.

She looked up distractedly. ‘For what?’ she said, blinking owlishly at him.

He smirked. ‘Getting all humble now, Harlow? Heard your test was a smashing success.’

She blushed. ‘We did OK.’

‘Don’t believe her downplay. She killed it,’ her lover called out from across the room, doing nothing to hide his open admiration of her. ‘Minds like hers make our worlds go round.’

She met Kage’s eyes and fell further into him in a wave of hot emotion.

‘So, do we have a working prototype to work with?’ Kainan asked, wresting her attention away from her man and back to him.

Harlow nodded. ‘In miniature scale. Next comes our tests on larger vessels. Starting with one of your corvettes.’

‘When, though?’ Kainan insisted. ‘When can we see the completed hybrid fuel drive in circulation on our ships?’

‘You’re pushy,’ Harlow teased, side-eyeing Selene’s partner and noting the unrelenting spirit in him that made him thekhosiof The Sable Group. ‘How does your woman handle your bossiness?’

Kainan’s sapphire and gold eyes twinkled. ‘She begs for it. Listen, I’ve set aggressive corporate goals and must post a large revenue beat in our shipping segment this year. So put that shit in motion, Harlow.’

‘Hey,nada. Leave my woman alone,’ Kage called out, snarking at hiskhosi. ‘She doesn’t need your pressure. You want to take up anything with her; you go through me.’

Kainan threw his head back and laughed. ‘Damn, Harlow, you got your lion guard right there. He’s dangerous. I don’t even mess around with him.’

Kage snarled. ‘We done? Or do you want to keep fokkin’ around?’

‘Guess that’s a wrap,’ Kainan grinned and pushed off.

‘You kids need tokapo-off,’ Xion griped at his two friends. ‘Get rid of some of that steam on the floor. Harlow,’ he continued in amused acknowledgement as he prowled past on his way out.

‘Xion,’ she said with a smile.

The two Riders exited, leaving the room.

A hush fell as the pair left behind stared at each other across the expanse of his office.

The air between them sparked, charged with desire.

Harlow slowly set aside her comm tab, rose and strolled towards her man, her hips swinging seductively.

He raked his eyes over her, from the top of her dark lilac-tinged hair to the tips of her stunning high heels.

She leaned over his desk, giving him a full view of her bounty. He sighed.
