Page 134 of Stars At Dusk

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The blonde lady was Zane’s girlfriend, Athena. Harlow remembered Kage’s description of Zane’s love life and wondered if Athena was a keeper. She certainly seemed to think so, with how she wound her arms possessively around the handsome, lean man. However, his expression was coolly non-committal, and Harlow sensed they weren’t on the same page.

The dark-haired Falasian was called Lynira. She pouted at Harlow after Xion hugged her, looking away with a huff.

Someone needed to find their manners,Harlow thought. She appreciated the angry expression flitted across Xion’s face at his date’s petulance. He mouthed an apology, and Harlow accepted it with a smile.

The final pair she hadn’t met revealed themselves. The pretty woman, Sheba, was Selene’s sister, with features very similar to her sibling. She smiled slowly and reached an elegant hand out in greeting.

Next to her was Ki’Remi. The sixth Rider she’d heard about. He was a lean, tall, heavily muscled man who sat by Sheba’s side, and he gave Harlow a small smile accompanied by a quiet, steady gaze.

‘These two have been working in relief ships in the far reaches of Pegasi,’ Selene said. ‘They’ve just returned because we’re considering setting up a permanent hospital here on Eden II. We need a high-end facility on this side of the System instead of having interplanetary patients stretching the resources on Dunia. And we want Sheba and Ki’Remi to run it alongside a staff of Edenite, Rhesian, Dunian and Galician medics.’

‘Makes sense,’ Harlow said, seating herself down. ‘Sounds like you’re kicking butt all over Pegasi, Sel,’ she continued.

‘Not just me,’ the pretty Prime of Dunia said. ‘I’ve got a great team and a beautiful man whose support makes all this possible.’

‘You talking about me?’ Kainan casually asked, leaning back to take a sip of his beer.

‘Nada. You’re an uncouth rabble-rousing brute with no idea how these things are run. You’re just my toyboy,’ Selene teased with a smile.

‘So, who’s the other guy?’

‘My dream man,’ she said with a grin.

‘I’m jealous,’ Kainan shot back. ‘And I’m dangerous in this state.’

He shot out an arm and captured her, pulling her into a kiss. The Riders onboard groaned.

‘Fokk Kai,’ Riv said. ‘Keep it between the sheets, brother.’

Selene laughed in delight as their floating booth slowly hovered towards a vantage open above the arena.

The atmosphere below them was electric and intense, and Harlow felt a sense of excitement and anticipation in the air.

The spectators in the arena or stadium were passionate and vocal, chanting and clapping for their favourite wrestlers as their names were projected onscreen while booing and jeering the opponents.

She heard voices shouting, ‘Shadow, Shadow’.

‘They’re cheering for Kage,’ Riv told her.

‘Who’s he fighting?’ she asked.

Riv handed her a fight card.

‘He’s up against The Mortician,’ Xion said. ‘A ghoulish creature and Kage’s long time nemesis. His face mask is all white. He’s infamous for having fused bones onto his actual skin using cybernetics. He looks like a cousin of the undead; pretty creepy.’

‘Oh yeah, and the fact that he pounds mortician needles into his opponents’ foreheads is severely messed as well,’ Riv added.

Harlow shivered. ‘Why is he Kage’s nemesis?’

Kainan jerked his chin with pride. ‘He’s never been able to defeat our brother. And so The Mortician challenges Kage at every possible match or meet.’

‘Fact is Kage is over it but The Mortician is relentless,’ Riv said. ‘That’s why the ghoul cut him up a few fights ago. To goad him. He never stops coming for Kage, and ‘tis why Kage took up the rematch tonight. To take down him down once and for all.’

Xion grinned. ‘And we’re all here for it. He’s going down.’

‘You sound confident,’ Harlow ventured.

‘If The Mortician isn’t intimidated by Kage’s attire which is now even darker and shrouded, then the fact that he’s since become an even more exceptional technical brawler, a gifted high-flyer, and proficient death match fighter should worry him. Kage’s skills seem to improve with time - he could easily get on an absolute war path and knock The Mortician’s lights out with his devastating mass tonight.’
