Page 145 of Stars At Dusk

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‘What’s she saying?’ Harlow whispered.

‘She’s screaming about her jewels,’ said an unfamiliar face. ‘She seems to think someone stole them from her.’

Harlow peered around Kage’s arms to see a woman in a doctor’s coat standing close to the door. ‘Who are you?’

‘I’m Dr Desai,’ the woman said kindly.

‘She’s the civil justice centre’s behavioural psychiatrist and medic,’ Xion added. ‘She assesses and flags our guests for any issues, so we know how best to assign our cases.’

Harlow approached the doctor and pointed at the observation mirrors. ‘And what is your assessment of that woman?’

The doctor coolly met Harlow’s heated query head-on. ‘She’s showing signs of mania and severe PTSD, which can lead to developing dementia syndromes such as Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal dementia, and senile dementia. Has she suffered any past trauma that could have led to this?’

Harlow’s hands clenched by her sides as she felt a cold rage wash over her. ‘Has she? Does surviving the Allorian Civil war, coming out of it on the wrong side of justice, all the while married to a tyrant who was also a war criminal, who then went on to become a fanatic cult leader and abusive partner, count as traumatic? How about being so under the thumb of her partner that she never stood up for herself or her child, instead becoming a shell of her former self and hating herself for it? Oh, and add to the fact that she let her abusive partner steal my childhood.’

Harlow sensed Kage flinch at her words, but she ignored him.

‘You’re her daughter then?’ Dr Desai asked, concern crowding her eyes.

Harlow shook her head. ‘Our DNA is the same if that’s what you mean. But I’m no daughter to her, and she’s no mother to me. Most recently, she tried to rob me of my inheritance from the one person who loved me. What mother does that?’

The doctor nodded in compassion. ‘I see. And I think that you can see that she needs help.’

‘What kind of help?’ Harlow said.

‘She needs to be in care, where she can be monitored and kept safe both for herself and everyone involved.’

‘What needs to happen?’ Kage interjected.

‘If we can quickly ascertain that these two women are related, the lady here with us can sign paperwork for the older woman to be taken care of in an aged care and mental health facility.’

Harlow tilted her head in thought. Then, after a moment, she nodded. ‘I’ll do it,’ she said softly. ‘I’ll also pay for it.’

‘No need, love,’ Kage interjected softly. ‘On Eden II, all long-term care is free, especially for vulnerable and aged individuals.’

Harlow bobbed her head in understanding. ‘As long as it’s no strain on the system.’

‘It won’t be,’ Kage said quietly.

‘I’ll get the paperwork,’ the doctor said.

‘And I’ll give you the room,’ Xion added, walking out with the medic. The door slid shut behind them, and an awkward silence fell between the pair left behind.

Harlow fixed her eyes on the mirrored glass, where beyond, the deeply distressed woman paced, muttering to herself and occasionally throwing a fit.

Kage reached a hand to Harlow, but she hesitated, and he stepped back, giving her the privacy she demanded.

Soon, the medic returned with an auto DNA kit and a comm tab loaded with contracts and paperwork.

After Harlow supplied a quick drop of blood, the auto DNA confirmation was swift. She silently signed the paperwork and handed the comm tab to the medic.

Moments later, Dr Desai and four nurses wheeling a floating bed entered the holding room. They were met with a snarling, angry small woman who tried to fight them.

Harlow and Kage watched as the enraged woman received a shot of a quick-acting anti-psychosis injectable into her arm. She soon slumped into the arms of the waiting attendant and was bundled onto the bed. In no time at all, the holding room was empty.

Harlow stood there staring. Still unmoved and unseeing until she felt Kage’s arms go around her shoulders. She pulled away stiffly from his embrace and felt guilt as his eyes clouded with emotion.

‘How long will they keep her?’ she said.
