Page 33 of Stars At Dusk

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Gazing at the luxury and beauty surrounding him, Kage sometimes could hardly believe how far he’d come. He now lived a galaxy and System away from the mud-streaked grassy velds that dominated the darkest chapter of his life when he’d spent nights alone, paralysed by fear, his body ravaged by ice from the driving hail, his mind flooded with whispers from the devil incarnate.

He’d lurched from that nightmare into an orphanage in Eden City, followed by years of unrelenting military service and a miserable five years of torture as a prisoner.

Before landing here on Eden II, where he’d carved a new destiny for himself alongside his five soul brothers. It had been a life of tragedy and pain, but he’d finally found safe rest here on this rock.

He traced the scars on his cheek. His beard hid most, but he could feel their gnarled, thick edges. He could have easily gotten them erased in recent years, especially now that his medic brother Ki’Remi was back with the Riders. He could have gone to town with all the modern medical tech and worked with Ki’Remi to reprogram his metanoids to erase the gnarly scars. But he kept them as a token of remembrance. Of where he’d come from and the battles he’d fought then and was still fighting, even to this day.

The sound of powerful, rhythmic slaps broke through his thoughts. Followed by a series of low grunts and the thump of solid punches.

He strolled into the studio and grinned.

There, working out against a swinging sandbag, was a powerful, tall man in dark-coloured training shorts. Sweat poured off his body as he alternated his punches with rapid-fire side, front and roundhouse kicks driven by slim, powerful hips and thick thighs.

The man was statuesque, almost as large and tall as Kage. His long mane of dark locks whipped around his broad shoulders as he worked the bag. His tanned skin, from the thick neck to his upper arms and hands, was covered by gold and sapphire nebula tattoos. The same iridescent sapphire, gold and silver hues flashed on his beard, squared jaw and full moustache. His forehead was a wall unto itself, the dark brows thick and unyielding.

It hid a brilliant mind and keen strategic prowess,Kage thought. He’d known this man since he was a boy, and over the years, he’d grown to deeply cherish and deeply respect Kainan Sable as a dear friend, a formidable man and a bomb-ass leader.

‘Brother,’ Kage called out, striding forward.

Kainan looked up from deep-set eyes with irises charged with a sapphire energy band. His intense gaze relaxed, and he lifted one large hand in greeting.

‘Ko’sawa?’ he called out, bumping fists with Kage.

‘Heard you got iced by Z this morning,’ Kage laughed.

‘Got to love Z. Walks around in a suit and slick duds all day, all lean and dandy. Makes you think he can’t swing it. He swung it.’

Kage roared with amusement. ‘He swung it coz you let him. This is what having a woman in your bed turns you into, Kai.’

‘You wish you were so lucky,’ the dark-haired man shot back.

Kage’s face fell briefly, but his companion caught the micro expression. Kainan paused his training, picking up a towel from the bench beside the sandbag.

He thrust it through his dripping hair, face, and neck before dropping it on the ground to continue slashing at the bag.

‘Harlow OK?’ Kainan murmured, mid move.

Kage jerked his chin. ‘Naam. In one of the guest suites at 517. It’s fully secure, and Mirage is all over the external cameras in case anyone tries any shit. Where’s Selene?’

‘In our suite. On another unending holo call with the Dunian Governing Council. I’m usually required at these, but I’m officially on a holiday break these next two weeks. She chose to accompany me, but I don’t have to be present for her meetings.’

Since retaking control of the government after the recent coup on Dunia, Selene, Kainan’s life partner and Prime of the Governing Council, had asked him to step into a temporary role as Defence Head overseeing the planet’s new security and deterrence strategy.

Seeing her desperate need, he’d negotiated a workable agreement. One where he would travel between Eden II and Dunia as required. He would still head The Sable Group and had been balancing both roles well enough in the last few months. But he’d also offloaded some of his duties onto Zane and Kage, who’d both taken them in stride.

Kainan threw a few punches into the bag. ‘Harlow like the place?’

‘Loves it. I’m waiting on feedback on my cooking, though,’ Kage said, holding the bag still for his friend.

Kainan raised an eyebrow. ‘You cooking for her now?’

‘Brother,’ was all Kage murmured in a low, growled warning.

Kainan let his probe slide with a conspiratorial laugh. ‘We’ll get back toTHATsoon. How ‘bout our other situation? Our newest staff member?’

‘I tagged him all right. Was on the same transport as Harlow. Looks like he tried to befriend her on the way over. Goes by the pseudonym Ruben Sogen. Fake Rhesian ID. Strangely enough, his features resemble those of thekinaiI intercepted on Axuma. That said, Mirage tore the identikit apart in seconds. He’s still Rhesian but his official name is Ruben Rinnax. A hacker and engineer who turns out to be a member of a family that are part owners of Rinnax Forge and Holdings.’

Kainan paused for a beat and sliced his sapphire gold eyes at his friend. ‘Who are they?’
