Page 35 of Stars At Dusk

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‘Watch it, brother, ‘fore you know it, she’ll be more than under your skin. She’ll take over your heart. And if she’s a good woman, let her. You’ll be happier for it.’

Kage paused for a beat. ‘You think so? Think she’ll be able to deal with all of me? ‘Specially with our mad past?’

‘Why not? Seems like a strong woman, from what I can tell. And if she’s a friend of Selene’s, then she’s a Queen in her own right. She’ll accept you no matter what shit you have to share with her. So give it a chance.’

‘Maybe I will. Get the feeling, though, that she’s cagey. A little wary about men in general.’

‘Bad experience then?’

‘More than one, most likely. She doesn’t give much away.’

‘Then give her something so different to think about that she won’t be able to resist. And you don’t have to fake it, Kage. You’re the most genuine, giving, real mo-fo I know. She’ll welcome what you have to share if she’s wised up. Just go slow, brother, day by day.’

‘Will do.’

Kage was genuinely grateful for hiskhosi’sadvice. It was always spot on. Since the moment the long-haired boy had sought Kage out at the orphanage and instantly decided he was his friend, Kainan had never felt him down. Instead, he’d gathered a group of misfits around him. Simply by the sheer power of his cunning leadership, magnetism and loyalty, he’d kept them motivated as a unit of soldiers and, more importantly, alive when their collective shit had hit the fan. Especially when the Sable Squad were sent on a mission to the Pegasi system and encountered some nastiness along the way. Kainan had kept their hopes alive, giving them the courage to band together to survive. They’d escaped and all taken the last name ‘Sable’ to honour their time served and suffered together. Kainan had led them to Eden II, organised them into a formidable company of men and helped forge a potentially great future for all of them. Kage owed this man his very life.

Kainan tapped Kage’s arm with his hand to get his attention. ‘Meanwhile, let’s keep Mirage digging on the Rubenkinai, ratchet up the security at the Skylab and all our facilities.’

‘Standard. Meanwhile, I’mma kick your ass atkapo,’ Kage challenged with a grin.

‘Hell brother, two sessions in one day is going to ruin me,’ Kainan grumbled.

Kage ignored him. He threw off his boots and quickly shed his street clothes, leaving on his shorts. He stalked to the large mat at the centre of the studio.

After a rapid warm-up, he stepped into an orthodox stance and crooking two fingers at his soul brother. ‘Come get it. You need it. You’re getting soft; can’t lean too much on your chimera powers. Keep going this way; even Selene might throw you out of bed.’

Kainan approached the mat cautiously. ‘Why you always pressin’ me?’

‘It’s what brothers do, Kai. I’m just a spur for your success, and I dare you to take me down.’

The two men launched into various kicks, jabs, dodges, and sweeps. They evaded strikes and blocked the closer hits. Kainan fired a series of versatile, strong, and direct push kicks and martelos which were his strength. Kage brawled more like a wrestler, and they soon fell into a grapple and sprawl on the mat, where he flourished.

He soon had Kainan pinned down, and in moments, the long-haired man thumped on the mat twice in surrender.

Kage rolled off his friend with a grin. ‘Youdoneed more work, brother.’

‘Damn you!’ Kainan said, puffing hard, taking his friend’s hand to help pull him to his feet. ‘I’ve had more important things to take care of lately.’

‘Do you mean me,khaji?’ came a soft question from the side of the studio.

Both men twisted round to see a pretty woman with dark curly hair and honey skin walking towards them. A small smile played on her wide lips.

Kainan’s molten eyes lit up the instant he spotted her. ‘Absolutely you,khamila,’ he growled huskily, taking off in a stride towards her.

Seconds later, the couple met and melted into a long embrace.

‘Take it to the bedroom,’ Kage groaned, looking away while secretly envying the pair.

Selene had upset the once comfortable bachelor existence of the Sable Riders when she’d blasted onto the scene last year to steal Kainan’s heart and, frankly, those of his fellow brothers. She was kind, sweet, sexy, incredibly smart and driven. She ran an entire planet as Prime of Dunia and did it with a grace that was as effortless as it was poised. Kage could see why his leader was so smitten with her. He was genuinely happy for Kainan. They’d all been through some dark shit, and it was good that one of them had finally found their light.

Seeing Kainan with Selene had also awakened a vital need in Kage for a woman he could connect with and share his life with. He yearned for it, never more so than now, after meeting a woman ten months ago who had the power to rock his world.

Harlow, Harlow Harlow.She was a saucy-sweet-sexy equation he couldn’t wait to solve.

The loved-up pair broke apart with a shared smile.

‘Harlow’s here,’ Kainan informed his woman, winking suggestively. She grinned and turned in his arms so he could embrace her from behind.
