Page 71 of Stars At Dusk

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‘Anything? Have you found anything yet?’

‘Nothing. The scientist is keeping her cards close to her chest. She’s not reciprocated any of my advances or returned any of my comm messages.’

‘And yet you’d convinced us that all it’d take would be your golden boy looks alone to land you the girl in bed and get her divulging all her secrets.’

There was a mumbled reply and long awkward silence over the comm line.

‘What do we do now?’

‘Move on to Plan B.’

‘Which is?’

‘Outrightly steal what we’re after.’

‘And how do we do that, oh, smart one? Given Sable Heavy Industries is one of the most secure places in the System?’

Another pause ensued.

‘We get a pawn. Someone trusted on the inside to do our bidding. They do the dirty for us, and we stay squeaky clean.’

‘I’ll need leverage.’

‘Then start getting creative. But, of course, you’ll also need to remain as blameless as possible.’

‘Don’t worry. I will.’

‘Famous last words. I remember you saying something similar a few weeks back. You’d better not fail.’

‘I’ll keep working her. Maybe she’s the ‘playing-hard-to-get, wear-me-down type’.’

‘And while you’re at it, try sowing a few seeds of discontent around The Sable Group. It’ll make it easier to throw the scent off us.’

‘Cunning. Didn’t think you had it in you.’

‘How little faith you have in me. It’s good our benefactors, however, think differently.’

‘How are our benefactors anyway?’

‘Busy holding off the stranglehold of the King. They’ve tried to be anonymous and don’t think we know they’re behind all of this.’

‘Let’s keep it that way. And make sure we get the maximum from our little arrangement.’

‘Only if we get the tech. In our hands. This means we can give it to our sponsors as demanded and keep a copy we can parse to other interested bidders. Discreetly, of course.’

‘That, along with what we already have, courtesy of our patrons, could turn us into the biggest players in all of Rhesus.’

‘Now you’re talking. It’s all on you, though. So don’t drop the ball.’

‘I’ve got this.’

‘Remains to be seen. We eagerly await good news.’

The conversation ended with a small ping and a whirr indicating a recording.

Kage turned his comm tab off and twisted to face Kainan. ‘That’s the gist of the call.’

It was a hot, sultry late afternoon under the dome. The wind generators at the edge of the dome wall were working hard to keep the city cool under the harsh starlight.
