Page 65 of Stars on Fire

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He gave a few more wild thrusts before collapsing against her slick, spent, and sated body. Selene took his weight, her clit still exploding with minor aftershocks, her body still connected to his. She ran her hands over his glyphed back, over his incredibly heated body, pressing her lips into his neck while she lazily watched the metanoid-infused patterns shift and dance over his skin.

Kainan finally spoke. ‘That was everything I dreamed of and more,khamila.’

He brushed his long, lean fingers over her brow, pushing away the damp hair. Then he bent his magnificent head and kissed Selene long, slow and sensuously until she impossibly felt the stirrings of more arousal.

‘You feel that?’ he murmured against her lips.

‘I do,’ she said, squeezing her muscles around his lengthening cock.

‘We can’t get enough of each other,’ he said with a low laugh, twitching inside her. ‘But I’m no superhero; I need my rest in between.’

He slowly rose away from her, running a hand over her cheek when she moaned, protesting their parting. He moved toward the head in the cabin, selecting a wash-cloth which he quickly used to clean himself before returning to the couch to do the same for her. With a kiss on her shoulder, he lay beside her, curling his magnificent body around her own. He moved his lips to hers in a heart-stopping french until she ducked her head under his neck, and they silently held each other close until exhaustion pulled them into a deep slumber.

A few hours later, they woke and repeated their sensual lovemaking. Two hours later, they did it again. And on return to Kainan’s lair, they made love several more times. Insatiably, ravenously, unquenchably.


Alphetraz’s Silver-Paired Stars


The next few days were a blur for Selene.

Hours and minutes flew past, and she lost the ability to tell night from day.

It didn’t help that the view from Kainan’s windows shifted only between starlight and never-ending dawn, where fractured light bounced off J’Urg Mihòr’s shadowed ridges from the undulating cluster of stars and twin suns above.

After making love for hours at night, most mornings, they would rise and eat in a nook Kainan had built that overhung the cliffs outside his home. Three of the nook’s walls were cast of the same material as his vast windows - magnesium aluminate - which was more robust and harder than glass. It gave her the sensation of floating over J’Urg Mihòr while looking at the spectacular star-studded sky.

A few times, Kainan made her lie on the transparent floor while he sketched her. He used luminescent pencils with graphite lead mined from the rocks of ancient asteroids. The resulting sketches were studies of her face and body, with shadows, tones, contrasts and strokes that captured her mood so well they seemed to leap from the paper.

He gave her one of them and kept the rest, claiming they weren’t perfect.

She hid the one he’d gifted her between the pages of her notebook, promising to frame it as soon as she returned to Dunia. And display it alongside the first sketch he’d drawn of her and her father.

One morning she woke alone and wandered his lair searching for him, two cups of kahawa in her hand. Only to find him beyond the inner pool, down a staircase and past a gym. In a generous room on a level that extended under the living space.

The space overflowed with canvases of every size—some fresh, some complete, and a few somewhere between.

She spotted tables where neatly organised paints, brushes and oils lay scattered over every available surface.

Kainan stood, only in loose pants, before a large black canvas and an expansive easel. On the table beside him were sets of paints, pans and brushes. He worked swiftly, mixing his colours with studied ease.

He glanced up to where she hesitantly stood at the doorway.

His eyes lit up into a soft flame. ‘Come in,khamila.’

She welcomed the invitation, wandering into the space.

She handed him his cup, and he took it, placing it on his paint table. Then he lowered his mouth to give her a searing kiss, slipping a hand into her silk robe to caress a hardening nipple.

Her eyes closed with pleasure, and she felt his arousal pressed into her.

His eyes softened. ‘Soon. Just a few more moments,’ he promised.

‘Sit,’ he stated, pointing to a couch nearby.

She reluctantly pulled away from his touch and curled herself on the day bed.
