Page 103 of The One

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I spent the days after the birth getting another set of everything we already had, from cribs down to the stroller, which we had to change altogether for a double. The women took care of the clothes because all the things we had bought were pretty much unisex, but apparently, girls need more shit; all pink and frilly.

As life would have it, my daughter liked me more while her brother was stuck to his mother like a limpet, the little shit. I didn’t mind, though, because no matter which one of them I held, my heart did the same flopping around shit in my chest.

I thought I loved their mom before, but the love I now felt for the three of them was next level. If I could just get my mother out of my damn house and her flying monkeys along with her, I’d be straight. I was tempted at least once a day to call dad to come and take her ass home, but when I saw how much Steph appreciated having her here to help out, I backed down.

Not that my dad was much help, he was just as bad as his wife. His excuse is that they didn’t have the opportunity to enjoy their own kids as they would’ve liked due to responsibilities and stress, so now they plan to make up for it with their grandbabies.

As for Nat, I have to beat her off with a stick because she loves her niece and nephew almost as much as their mother and I do, which means she and Jaxx are at my place every time they breathe. I think she’s trying to talk Jaxx into marriage because he always has a petrified look on his face these days. According to Steph, he’d already asked her about rings and sizes, jackass.

I can’t blame him, though, since he’s seen how well things have been working out for me; he got it into his head that marriage is a breeze. I’m not gonna tell him about the other side of that coin. All in all, I got a great deal out of the bargain, my kids and the woman who’s now smiling up at me as she feeds my son.

I winked at her as the people around us, our family, argued amongst each other as to which preschool in the area was best for the kids that couldn’t even walk or talk yet. This is my life now, yep, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I doubt they noticed when I helped Steph up off the couch with one hand while holding Jasmine in the crook of the other and walked her up the stairs to our room. This wasn’t the first time we’d disappeared without them noticing. As soon as they get their teeth in one of their bones about the kids, we give them the slip and let them fight it out without our input which never seems to matter anyway.

“Can you believe them?” I got her settled on the bed with little Justin and sat across from her, just taking it all in. I find myself doing this a lot these days, almost as if in a dream and this is someone else’s life. It amazed me sometimes how awesome everything is between us, especially those nights when I walk into the nursery, which is connected to our master suite through a door just to stand over the cribs and watch my little ones sleep.

My heart gets so full at those times that I can’t imagine needing or wanting anything else in life. Then I go back to bed and hold my wife in my arms and know that somewhere, somehow, I’d done something deserving of my perfect one. Now as we looked at each other over the heads of our children, grinning like simpletons, she reached for my hand and squeezed. Yeah, I know. No words were needed. We’d both found the one.
