Page 50 of The One

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I always thought it was a good thing, giving her the life the rest of us never had when we were her age, and there’s been plenty of times when the parents said no to something she wanted, and I went to bat to get it for her. Like the overpriced college I’m tempted to stop paying for, which would be a dick move on my part, but isn’t it warranted? To think that all my years of giving had turned out like this was a bitter pill to swallow, but I’m glad I know how she felt before it was too late. Thinking of her smiling at my woman with those thoughts in her head made me see red, and all I can say is that this girl is lucky she’s my mother’s daughter.

She’d stopped following me once she caught on to why I was upset, which was for the best. I don’t know what she said to her friends, and I know she was embarrassed by my actions, but I couldn’t find it in me to care one damn. My mind now was solely focused on Steph because even though she hadn’t heard what was said about her, it pains my heart that it was said and by someone I love no less.

“Hey, you two, let’s go have some dinner.” I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and smiled down at her next to her half-drunk friend. Steph squinted up at me with a grin. How the hell did she get this tipsy in an hour, give or take?

“We just ordered some bar food.”

“I’ll cancel it or have them send it over to our table; let’s go.”

Jaxxon came out of nowhere to walk his girl over while I helped my lush, who looked happy as she clung to my arm. I had a quick aside with Jaxxon as we walked, getting ahead of the game. “No one is allowed to approach us tonight for any reason, no matter who it is.” His look was full of questions, but he just nodded and carried on walking.

I ignored the looks and the whispers as we walked through the club to the upstairs VIP lounge that overlooked the dancefloor. I’m used to people staring at us by now, probably wondering how a nouveau riche slob like me pulled a high-society beauty like her. That’s what I prefer to think they’re thinking because it’s the only thing that makes sense in my book. Roz and her friends, for whatever reason, had taken up a spot close by as if she expected me to change my mind. If she only knew that tonight was just the beginning.

I’m a harsh enemy, one of the worst I’ve been told, but I’ve never had to turn my enmity against a family member before. It would’ve been hard to even ponder had she not gone after Steph the way she did. As for her friend, I won’t be seeing her ever again, so she was a nonentity in this equation, though I have half a mind to make her pay for anything she had in my place tonight. That might be hard to do since my staff never runs a tab when my sister or one of my other siblings is hosting friends. Then again….

“Excuse me a second, ladies.” I walked away and pulled my phone again. Skeet tends to be a stickler for every damn thing, and though I’d never asked before, there was no harm in checking now.

“Hey Skeet, you wouldn’t happen to know if the bar ran a tab for my sister and her friends, do you?”

“We didn’t give it to her; no one here is that stupid.”

“Does that mean that you did run one?”

“Of course, I always do for inventory purposes.”

“Who took care of them, do you know?”

“Yeah, it was Haley; why, do you need to see her?”

“Yeah, I’ll be right there.” I hung up and went back to Steph, who was looking over the menu the server had brought over.

“Bring us a bottle of Dom, Cassidy,” I ordered the server before telling Steph I’ll be back. Back downstairs at the bar, I had a quick word with Haley, who was more than helpful, which reaffirmed my trust in my people. Only hire the best, and pay them well because they go above and beyond the call of duty. Not only did she know who had what and how many. She knew that Naomi had ordered the most expensive drinks on the menu and hadn’t been as nice as the others who usually came with Roz. Even better!

“Give her a check for her portion and take care of the rest of it as usual. If my sister or any of her friends come to the bar, tell them they’re cut off, and the same goes for the kitchen; let them know.” She left to do my bidding, and I went back to Steph, who was tasting the champagne Cassidy had brought over in my absence.
