Page 102 of A Little Taste

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Guitar strains ring out, and I turn up the volume. The song floods through the room, and I sing along loudly.

“Turn it down!” Stan shouts, placing his wine on the coffee table and standing.

I run to the kitchen, straining my eyes through the glass.Please be out there… Please don’t be a dream…

The chorus begins, and I’ve stopped paying attention to Stan trying to figure out how to shut off the fancy technology in his own home. I’m singing as loud as I can.

“I said, turn itoff!” he roars, lifting the speaker and slamming it against the wall.

I spin around, and in the sudden silence, I hear the yowling I know so well.

Stan hears it as well, and his eyes flash to mine. “What have you done?”

He crosses the room quickly in my direction, and I run away, darting around the bar, dodging him. I go to the door in the center of the glass windows, grasping the knob as I try to get it open. It’s locked.

“Fuck!” I fumble with the bolt, trying to slide it back. It’s stiff, and it slips between my fingers.

Stan stops me with a loud snarl. “I wasn’t planning to kill you tonight.”

Looking over my shoulder, I see he’s holding a gun, and it’s pointed right at me. Ice filters through my veins, and I lift my hands over my head.

“Okay… I stopped.” Moving away from the door, I step closer to the couch thinking I’ll dive behind it if I can.

“It’s too late…” Stan starts, but Aiden appears on the other side of the glass behind him.

Our eyes lock, and relief hits me so hard, I clasp my hands over my mouth to keep from screaming. Stan turns, firing his gun wildly at the window, shattering the glass.

The scene erupts into chaos. Aiden pulls Edward away, dashing around to the front of the house. Stan spins in place, directing his gun to the front door now, and I grab the large amethyst off the coffee table, plotting as I crouch beside the sofa.

The front door explodes inward with Aiden’s kick. Stan fires another shot at the entrance, and I scream.

“We’ve got you surrounded!” Aiden’s deep voice shouts. “Drop your weapon and get on the floor with your hands behind your head.”

“You can’t possibly have us surrounded. It’s too remote, and I’ve got the girl.”

“Don’t be a fool, Stan!” Mom yells from the direction of the kitchen. “Get on the ground.”

Stan swings wildly towards her voice. “I’ll kill you, Gwen.”

He fires repeatedly, stepping slowly her way. I stand, gripping the amethyst tightly in my fist and preparing to bash it over his head. Aiden storms into the room with his gun leveled on Stan, and I stop.

Our eyes meet, and Stan swings around, firing directly at Aiden. Three shots, and Aiden slams violently against the wall before landing on the floor. My stomach plummets. He’s lying face down, not moving, and I scream, as I run to him.

Stan is on me fast, and the small hairs on my skin rise as he raises his gun again. Before he can get the shot, a staccatoPop!sounds from outside the house, and his chest jerks forward.

He drops to his knees in front of me, and I recoil closer to Aiden’s side, covering him with my body.

“Aiden…” It’s a shaky whimper, tears blurring my vision as I carefully move my hands over his body. “Aiden, no…”

Footsteps crunch on broken glass, and I look up to see my mother in jeans and heavy combat boots storming across the room to where Stan lies on his back, looking up at the ceiling. His gun is still in his hand, and a gurgling noise comes from his throat as he tries to lift it again.

Mom puts her boot on his wrist, standing directly over him and pointing her gun at his head. “You will never take anyone from me again.” Her voice is eerily calm as she confronts the man lying at her feet. “This is for Lars.”

Another sharpPop!, and Stan’s head flips to the side. My heart is beating so fast, but I don’t have time to think about what I just witnessed. Tears coat my cheeks as I tug on Aiden’s arm, rolling him so his face is up. His eyes are closed, his skin pale.

“Aiden?” My hands tremble as I lift them over his beautiful face, touching the line of his hair lightly.

Sitting back, I scan his chest, searching for a bullet hole, but I don’t see blood. I don’t see anything. Not knowing what to do, I struggle to unfasten his buttons with shaking fingers.
