Page 103 of A Little Taste

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“Help me!” My voice is broken, but my mom doesn’t move.

She’s oblivious to the beautiful man, the love of my life, dying in front of me. I can’t breathe. I’m gasping and crying, and with a shriek, I fall back when his arm lifts. His eyes squeeze, and he lets out a loud groan, turning onto his side.

“Fuck, that hurts,” Aiden growls, putting his hand on the floor and pushing himself up to sitting.

“Wait…” I scoot closer, running my hands from his shoulders to his chest. I don’t know where to apply pressure. “You’ve been shot.”

With a gasp, he straightens against the wall, pulling up the bottom of his shirt.

“It’s okay,” he gasps, squinting.

“Kevlar!” I scream, diving forward and wrapping my arms around his neck. “You’re wearing a vest.”

My shoulders wobble, and I collapse, sobbing and holding him. Strong arms encircle my waist, and he pulls me flush against his body, burying his face in the side of my neck.

“Don’t cry, beautiful. I’ve got you.”

I slide my hands across his cheeks, kissing his brow, his eyes, a touch of salt is on my tongue.

Lifting my head, my voice breaks. “Are you crying?”

“Are you?” He smiles, and joy explodes in my chest.

Our mouths collide, and my fingers thread in his soft hair. Sealing my lips over his, they part, and our tongues curl together. Heat floods my body, and fresh tears fill my eyes. Lifting my chin, I pull him closer.

“You’re here.” I sniff, hugging him tighter. “You came for me.”

“I’ve been going out of my mind trying to find you.” He speaks against my neck, dragging his lips behind my ear before covering my mouth with his again.

A whimper slips from my throat, and his hands fist in my sweater at my waist, dragging me closer. I can’t get enough of him. Happiness is a drug in my veins, and I’m desperate to hold him until our bodies melt into one.

A loudRooo!comes from Edward right beside us, and I jump with a little squeal. Then I collapse into laughter, wrapping an arm around my dog and scrubbing his neck.

“Good boy, Edward! You were perfect!”

Mom stands over us, holding his leash. Her eyes glow as she looks down at me straddling Aiden’s lap with my hand on his shoulder and my arm around my dog.

“I hate to interrupt, but a lot of people are waiting to hear if we found you. We need to let them know…” She casts a glance in the direction of Stan’s dead body. “And there’s that.”

“I’ll take care of it.” Aiden bends a knee, groaning as he starts to rise.

I hop off his lap, holding his arm. Once he’s standing, I wrap my arms around his waist, and his strong arm is over my shoulder.

“Did you drive?” I look up at my mom.

“We actually got here by boat. Once we knew where you were, it was the best way to sneak up on the house.”

“No alligators?”

Her brow furrows. “Are there alligators?”

“I’m sure there are.” Aiden finishes tapping out a text then nods to the driveway. “We’ll drive that Ford back to Eureka. I just messaged Doug and Edna we’re on our way.” Warm gray eyes hold mine, and he slides his thumb down the side of my cheek. “We’re bringing you home.”



The courthouse is lit up like a carnival when we get back to town. Everyone who’s been working on the case is waiting, and as soon as I pull into my reserved space, Edna runs out to greet Gwen and Britt with hugs and cries of joy.
