Page 112 of A Little Taste

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My eyes flew to Aiden’s, and when I saw a mist in his eyes, my breath hiccuped. “You want me to be your family?”

Owen’s voice turned thoughtful. “I asked Dad if you could be my mom, and he said he asked you to marry him, so that would make you my stepmom. I think that’s a good idea, but you’ll be mynicestepmom. Not a wicked one like in the Disney movies, but a nice one like in that old movie Miss Cass made us watch, where they sang all the time.”

“The Sound of Music?”

“Yeah. You’re like that stepmom.” Placing his hand on my shoulder, he looked at me with those gray-blue eyes just like his dad’s. “Would you like to live here and take care of me and Dad? You make him smile more than he ever did before, and I promise I’ll bathe with soap and I won’t leave my dirty underwear all over the floor, and I’ll take Edward for walks all the time and teach him to do tricks. I think you’ll like being in our family. What do you say?”

Warmth thickened my voice, but I nodded quickly. “I would love to be your family very much.”

“Woo-hoo!” He jumped forward, wrapping his arms around my neck and hugging me before pulling away. “Your turn, Dad!” Then he took off with Edward. “Come on, ole boy. We’re going to be a family now! You’re going to be my good dog, too!”

My nose wrinkled, and Aiden caught my hand. He pulled me to him, lowering his face to mine for a kiss. He just caught my lips with his briefly before stepping back and reaching into his pocket.

“I asked you this six months ago, but I wasn’t prepared to make it official.” My heart jumped, and he held out a small box. “You’re the magic in my life, and I want you with us every day from now through forever. Then I want to find you again on the other side and love you for another forever, and on and on, through every lifetime.”

More tears flooded my eyes as he lifted the beautiful platinum band adorned with tiny platinum flowers around a stunning round diamond. “It’s so beautiful!”

“It reminded me of you with the little flowers and the complete circle,” he explained, sliding the ring onto my left hand. “Do you still want to be my wife? Be Owen’snicestepmom?”

Laughing, I pull his lips to mine. “More than anything in the world. Forever, and again and again…”

I’m smiling at the memory as we reach the shore. He helps me off the surfboard, and before we go, I jump into his arms, kissing him long and slow, sliding my lips across his and touching his salty tongue with mine.

Strong arms go around my waist, and he looks down at me with a bad-boy grin. “I can’t get out of the water with a semi in front of all our friends.”

One more kiss, and I pull away. “I was just thinking about tonight, future husband.”

“Can’t wait, future wife.”

* * *

Hours later,I’m sitting at the bar in the distillery with Cass and Piper laughing and brainstorming small weddings.

“Do they make a Krispy Kreme wedding cake?” Cass swipes her finger over a large iPad where we’re looking at wedding photos on Pinterest. “You’ll have to have one for Doug.”

“Dear ole 3-D,” I laugh. “He does love his donuts.”

“Mom says she’ll attend the wedding, but she’s not buying anything off your registry.” Piper rolls her eyes. “She says your selections are impractical and useless in the event of an apocalypse.”

“What is Martha going to do when the world never ends?” Cass leans forward on the bar, her dark hair spilling over her shoulder.

“That’s something we never have to worry about.” Piper takes a sip of her bourbon. “She’ll be waiting for the second coming or the brain-eating fungus or the nuclear storm until her dying breath.”

“I almost wish something like that would happen. Save me from the hell of dating apps.” Cass turns to me, lifting my finger and studying my engagement ring. “At least you don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

“How’s it going, ladies?” Alex is behind the bar, holding a round bottle of amber liquid. “Who wants to try this year’s special reserve?”

Three tumblers slide towards him at once, and he chuckles.

“We’re getting your future sister-in-law loaded while we discuss her upcoming nuptials.” Cass lifts her glass, turning to me with an arched eyebrow.

Alex’s gaze lingers on the bare skin of her back, exposed by the red halter dress she’s wearing. It’s a look that only lasts a moment, but it’s a look I recognize from his older brother. My future brother-in-law would devour my bestie if he had half a chance.

It gives me an idea…

“I want all the scoop on this new line.” Piper sips her drink, turning the bottle. “It’s smoky with a touch of sweetness. How do you do it?”

“Wheat instead of corn, and age it ten years. Or in this case seven.”
