Page 117 of Grace

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My cousins shouted and cheered, too! I hugged my niggas, appreciating their generosity.

A clearing of the throat got our attention. It was Chels, shoulders tight, holding a box in her little hands.

“Your cronies here are a hard act to follow.” We snickered at that. “Jas, you know our family isn’t much for pomp and circumstance—unless it’s for violence or prison releases.” She rolled her eyes as they agreed through affirmative shouts and laughter.

“Free my bitch, Teea!” Sheema shouted.

“You know what you mean to our family—I hope you do. You’ve been a leader since you were a kid. I’m just grateful for being able to give you your flowers on this side of heaven.”

“Amen,” I found myself mumbling.

She continued, “I’m sure Harlem is celebrating you back home. But with the generous assistance of Juggy, Man, and Shi-Shi, we pooled our pennies to get you this. We love you.” She handed me the box.

“Word,” Antoine agreed.

Myron affirmed with, “On god, my nigga!”

I opened the wrapped box to find a Rolex watch. I wasn’t a timepiece type of guy. The one I wore every day now was from a classy chick I’d come to adore. But this was beautiful.

“Damn!” Jonathan belted with a booming laugh. “That’s what my three G’s went to?”

“Yeah, right, lil nigga.” Sheema laughed. “More like twenty dollars.”

As they laughed, Chelsea rolled her eyes

Then Jonathan blurted, “How much your broke ass baby daddy put in? Three twenty-five dollar Home Depot gift cards he boosted off the job?”

Even I had to snicker at that. Corinne, who stayed behind, cracked the hell up, too.

“Easy, you college ass drop out,” Myron moped.

Once the room quieted enough for her to be heard, Corinne spoke up. “Well, with money like this, I want into this family!” We laughed. “I’m sitting next to Juggy all day. I need land.” She winked.

“C’mon. I got room in my lap for you, baby girl.” Jug was dead ass.

I brushed my hands over my face to hide my humor. No one else tried. This was crazy!

“Anyway, since Shi-Shi can’t hurry her ass along, she asked me to share this with you. It’s her ‘birthday gift’ to you, though I’m sure she gave her goodies already.”

Chrissy gasped then fell into Chelsea, cracking the fuck up. The group responded in a similar manner. I had to remember for them, Ashira was a “celebrity” between her having been with the Austin kid and her social media presence.

Corinne shook it off and forged ahead, showing me her phone. It was a picture of a glistening white utility van, apparently parked in front of my crib. Everyone jumped to my side to get a peep. “She said she had your housekeeper sign for it yesterday.”

“Damn! Living large, O.G.!” Myron shrieked in my damn ear.

The room agreed with his sentiments. I passed Jug a knowing look.

His droopy eyes grew wide. “Damn. Shi really hate the work ride, huhn!”

I shook my head and thanked the group.

That’s when Chels herded the group into the kitchen to eat a crazy spread that had been prepared by a gang of chefs. We ate from the big ass spread, conversations flowing all around me. Tuning them out, my thoughts went to work. How much of it was I missing out on? I told myself when I’d finally decided to entertain Ashira with this trip how this would be training grounds for Ava Dallas, my new apprentice.

I’d even given her some light work to handle for me withPor el Amor del Amor. It was nothing too risky, but definitely a few things I didn’t have time to do before leaving and what had to be done before my return tomorrow. While taking my morning shit before showering this morning, I checked in with her, and her response assured me things were being handled in a manner that exceeded my expectations. She had been working on getting Ashira and her girls on the flight back home with us tomorrow.

“Yo,” the ear-piercing sounds of Jonathan licking his fingers snatched me from my thoughts. “I’m about to go help the chefs in the kitchen cook us up some goodies to get this shit lit!”

Shit. I was clued into what he meant. I had mad love for my cousin. He was young and had always been bright, but directionless. For some reason, Jonathan craved immorality in the form of drugs. The kid’s mind was brilliant with varied elements and calculations, cooking up illegal substances and distributing them, somewhat like me coming up—only my hustle was guns, for the most part.
