Page 166 of Grace

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And I rolled up and down, losing time and relishing in bliss. I watched the tense muscles in his face flex as his eyes held me for a long while. Then my groin began to lift, ascending and ascending until my entire body flew into a fit of spasms. I bit my lips together and reached for Jas’ shoulder. He sat up to allow me and I grabbed my swollen belly with one hand as it contracted while a delicious orgasm rolled over me.

“Shi—raa!” he whispered, plunging upward, intensifying my explosion.

His grip on my thighs was bruise-worthy, but I held on observing his hanging jaw and strained face.

We rocked and rocked until our bodies calmed, hearts racing and breathless.

“Be careful,” he murmured when I began to readjust my weight to stand to my sleeping knees again. “Hold on to both my shoulders.”

He tried to recline as much as necessary to accommodate my belly. It took a stretch of time, but I was on my feet and wobbling to the bathroom eventually. Thankfully, there was linen and soap and I was able to wash up. Jas worked around me, cleaning himself then left for the bedroom. When I was done, I could still feel a stretch in my abdomen as I promenaded out of the bathroom in search of my panties. It was good that I wore liners because I doubted I was able to get all of Jas’ seeds from my cavity with the washcloth.

Jas, dressed again as though untouched, was standing near the bed, his hands at his waist in a waiting posture. I paid it no mind until I saw the purple velvet box.

Andreatta’s Promises…

Out of all the times he could attempt this, why would it be today, at our shower? Why would he not try to meet me at my home or invite me to his place—hell, do it in the OBGYN’s office? And more than that, why would he continue to insult me with a promise built on his jailhouse wish list? Marriage was cool, but my life was for me. It would be some time before I could think of locking myself down like that. Wasn’t it enough that this baby was yet another delay in my happiness? My fulfillment?

My gaze lifted to him, anger blazing through me. Jas blinked in memory.

“Oh, my bad.” He sat on the bed and held out my panties for me to step in. “I know you’re going to say no. If I thought otherwise, I wouldn’t have brought that here today.” His attention was below on the task as he shrugged. “I was hoping to have a private moment with you while you were happy to remind you of my love for you. To tell you I still want you. Ain’t nothing change no matter how much I respect your feelings and fall back.”

Lightning occurred in my belly as I tried centering my anger. This motherfucker came into my life just before I learned my boyfriend had been cheating on me, ending our three-year relationship. And when I’d thankfully dodged the pain from that disappointment, too caught up in this handsome, alluring creature, I actually got my heart broken by said beast. I got pregnant, too. And while I knew each of my best friends with the exception of one would have aborted the baby by the felon, like a damn fool I decided to keep it. My career had literally just taken off in a way of bringing me international exposure! What was worse was Jas never took accountability for the lies and delayed truths. He owned them without apology, but never acknowledged the cross I bore from them.

But you want to bring up marriage?

My nose spread, likely to the size of my mouth as I fought back my emotion. Jas peered up to me, waiting as though I’d respond to that piss-poor proposal.

The shuddering in my body grew unbearable when I thought the only thing I knew would run him out of here like light on roaches.

My lips trembled when I asked, “What’s your name?”

I saw his chest begin to lift and drop again and, just when I expected his weak ass ‘say less’ line, he murmured, “Ojasvi Lamont Sinclair.” Each syllable was soft puffs dispersing into the air.


Jas swallowed, brows knitted tightly as his eyes swung over to the wall. His jaw flexed before he murmured, “My moms wasn’t an angel in her hay. She had a thing going with the Indian bodega owner across the street from my building. They was banging on and off, exchanging favors, you know? When my moms was around her due date with me, she was in the store and the old man got her to the hospital.” He shook his head. “From what she said, it only felt right to give me his name. It was how she felt she could honor him. So…” He shrugged with his forehead. “It’s Ojasvi.”

Jas is short for Ojasvi…

For over a year, this was the one piece of information I waited for, what I’d been obsessed with! Some days, I quelled the curiosity with his charm, beauty, and/or incredible fucking. A few days, I chased the thrill of not knowing. But today—now—he so casually and with ease gave me the one piece of information that would have allowed me to decide if I wanted to risk my future with this man. And now, with a belly full of his baby, it was too late. My future was irrevocably changed. I would now be chained to his stubborn deceitfulness forever.

My mind flipped and turned upside down so rapidly, I grew lightheaded. I closed my eyes and breathed through the dizziness.

“Ashira, yougo—”

I hauled off and slapped the shit out of him. Then I leaped backward, hand stinging. “Don’t fucking come near me!” I growled from a despair I never knew until encountering oneOjasvi Sinclair. “Don’t even say another fucking word to me. I don’t want anything to do with you, your companies, your religion—your fucking cunning ways!” A stream of tears raced down my face. “Take that fucking ring and give it to a woman you respect enough to give her all of your shit up front because clearly I was not that one for you.” Through the tears, I could only see his silhouette.

“Can Ijust—”

“YOU RIPPED MY FAMILY’S LEGACY RIGHT FROM BENEATH MY STUPID ASS!” I cupped my belly. “You stole it from my child—future children!You have no future with me. The next fucking time you’ll hear from me is when my daughter is born. Get the fuck off of my daddy’s property!”

I had no idea what he would do, but if Jas tried to get violent with me as he did Jonathan or the man in St. Vincent, I’d claw his fucking eyes out before he’d kill me.

Slowly, he reached down for the ring. Then Jas sauntered to the door with his head low, leaving me room to breathe.

An hour after I left Ashira, she went into labor. She gave birth that night.

I’d soon learn she meant every word spewed through tears of pain, never recognizing my life again from that day on. My “Samson” cautionary tale about a man weakened under the wiles ofoneirresistible woman had definitely been Ashira Witherspoon, and her exclusively.

As weakened as I was by her rejection, I wouldn’t have it that way with any other woman.

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