Page 35 of Grace

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I shook my head, realizing she had no idea what I meant. “In other words, I agree. I’m going to get to this meeting in Jersey City. Keep me posted on Vera’s arrangements. I’d like to support you and pay my final respect to her.”

“Alright, girl. Love you.”

“Love you.”

When the call was disconnected, I stood in the aisle, still shocked at the passing of Vera Cox. Memories of her laughing, her arriving to prom in a vibrant green-hued dress with tight curls, the way she’d clutch her books to her chest when traveling the halls…they all came flooding in. Then the one I conjured myself of her cleaning the snot from countless faces of inner-city children with the patience of Mother Teresa. It was sad. Disgusting. Where was her legacy? Did Vera want that to be it? The influence of a saint and not something of her own?

My phone rang again and I halfway registered Jas’ name.

I turned for the exit as I answered, “Hey.”

“Whaddup? You good?”

“I guess I am. How are you?”

“I’m good. Just wanted to check in to see what you thought of the properties Mehki showed?”

Jas had left early yesterday as his real estate agent friend and I were wrapping up. Later in the evening, I met Mehki at a vacant property in Greenwich Village. There was no way my nerves would allow me to dream of opening a club in a Manhattan hot spot.

“I actually liked Bloomfield. The owners are looking to rent it, but I’d want to own it in a few years if the venture proves to be successful.”

“I feel you on that.”

“We’re meeting next week to look at a place in Montclair. Apparently, the owner’s still deciding on what to do with his plunging billiard business. Mehki thinks he can have me as the first in his face for a promising offer. I’m looking forward to it.”

“So am I. Congratulations.”

“On what?”

“On taking your first steps toward owning your dream.” The confidence and thick tenor in his words tickled something sensitive within me.

“I don’t know. I feel like I’m being pushed, and by a guy I hardly even know.” I couldn’t help my smile. “I thought we were supposed to be pumping the brakes, yet you’re here, hooking me up with a realtor.”

“I’m being a friend, something I should’ve been from the door. But speaking of you getting to know me, let’s have dinner.”

I stopped at the driver’s side of my car, reaching for the door handle. “That sounds like the antithesis of what you said we should do.”

“It’s not. I said instead offuck—having sex,” Jas corrected himself, “we could be friends and you can get to know me.”

My eyes bounced around the busy parking lot, considering his proposal. It sounded logical. Did I need to get to know Jas? No, but it would be interesting to. It would be interesting to know if the other side of the enigmatic felon was just as compelling as the one that had me breaking all my rules to jump his bones.

Also, what did I have to lose? My life before being able to feel a passion of my own and no one else’s? I didn’t want that.

“Okay. When did you have in mind?”

“How about Friday?”

“Friday?” I hummed, recalling my itinerary. “What time?”

“For what I have in mind, we need to drive out. I can pick you up at five.”

“Okay. Where are we driving to?”

“Central Jersey.”


“Yeah. Oh.” I heard his low chuckle. “Gotta go. I’ll holla.”
