Page 49 of Grace

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“When I found out you lied to me.”

“I didn’t lie.”

And I didn’t want to rehash that argument. “You get my point.”

“Nah. Actually, I don’t.”

I rolled over to face him. “I like you in a way.”

“A way that requires a name other than Witherspoon?”

I nodded. “With you, it seems so formal…creates a distance emotionally. I don’t like being distant from you.”

“Emotionally?” he asked for clarification.

“Emotionally.” I nodded, biting my lip. “I don’t mean in a request to be a sister-wife way. Just a—”

Jas cracked the hell up in the dark of the night. Like hooted a genuine cackle. “Yo, I’mma need you to stop clownin’ me for the way I’m going about finding a Misses.”

I leaned into him, wishing my period wasn’t on. “A Misses what?” I tried testing him for his last name, but would have preferred another go at Jas.

“A Mrs. Jas.” He sputtered, chuckling, and I giggled with him. “Whatchu mean?” He challenged me and I could pick up the outline of his handsome grin.

“Oh, yeah?” I turned around and reached for the tub of a nighttime hand lotion my aunt, Kimberly, kept me stocked with. After opening it, I scooped out a generous amount then returned to Jas. Rising to my knees, I walked over to settle between his thighs. “Well, until she majestically appears, let me make up for not being able to go a second round.”

“Second round—ohhh…” He surmised it as I yanked at the elastic waist of his boxers.

He assisted with pulling them down, now understanding my agenda. I took my time saturating Jas’ generous member as it stood erect in the air. Each fat vein, the muscular ridges, and even swollen lip at the head was a wonder to explore. That was the red pill. But the blue pill was his penetrating gaze on me. Once in a while it would visit my handiwork, but mostly it stayed on me. I felt his pride for what he brought to this event and his silent approval for my careful ministrations.

I couldn’t decide which I’d preferred more: him plunging into my core or throbbing inside my mouth until he exploded with pleasure. It didn’t matter, though. Going down on Jas right now didn’t feel right. I didn’t want him thinking I was a slut. It was clear he had conservative views when it came to women and I didn’t want to be used as his fantasy doll until he found the proverbial chaste wife in waiting.

But he’d been becoming a tool of illusory for me, though. I fantasized about being the cause of Jas’ undoing. Even now, as I drove him closer to his happy ending, the groves in his chest and abs when his torso jumped…the way his glutes squeezed and thighs sprung just slightly at the rhythm of my palms milking his thick cock from root to its mushroom head…when his eyes closed in defeat and Jas bit his top lip with furrowed brows. It all saturated the plug I wore. The bed creaked from the motion his big body created, losing his shit. All those reactions had me pulsating deep inside. And when I shuffled to his side, being sure not to break the cadence of my hands just in time to kiss him, he exploded like a fucking volcano within seconds.

“Gohdamn, Ashira!” he cried helplessly, vulnerably, a total contradiction to his size and civilian history.

Hot cum shot in to the air as I jerked him fast and long. With one tight grip at his base and the other fisting his bulbous head, spurts of his essence leaped into the air, some landing on my labored arm and others on my naked belly. His dick swelled even more, contracting in my hands and my mouth went cotton dry with envy. My pussy throbbed in crying need while watching the rolling of his perfect abdomen, his bubbled chest. His thick, hairy thighs.



Jas was my fantasy. Every inch of him.

But now that I’d had him, what in the hell was I going to do with Jas?

I stroked him until I could tell he grew sensitive to my touch. Enjoying the sounds of his heavy pants, I crawled from the bed and slipped into the bathroom to lather a warm washcloth with soap. Jas was in the same place I left him in when I returned to the bed. He lay quietly and unmoving as I washed the lotion and cum from him. I went to the bathroom again to rinse and lather, and when I thought he was clean, I rinsed him thoroughly.

Thinking I was done and should try to get some sleep, I toed back to the bed. The moment my knee hit the mattress, my torso was yanked down onto his hard, hairy chest where he kissed me long and with unveiled desire. It was easy for me to return the passion. Jas did that shit to me. He made me lose all logic. The familiarity I felt around him was unreal. The insatiateness my body and mind experienced for him made me question myself.

We kissed there on my bed in the dark, both topless with just underwear on for a spell. My lips grew sore and mouth dry, but heart wouldn’t stop roaring in my chest. The kiss ended when my languid body rolled off of Jas’, landing me on my back with my arms stretched out: one on him and the other half off the bed.

Then my damn phone rang. At this ungodly hour, in the escape of lustful passion, my damn phone rang. It was my house phone, which alarmed me. Very few—and I mean a select few—called my landline. There were so few with the number because my general “home” number was shared with Ines. The ringing ended and exactly what I’d feared was happening came to fruition. My old fashion answering machine sounded.

“It’s me. I’m not available. Leave a message.”


“It’smeand Iwillbe available.” Every hair on my body straightened and my stomach quivered. “I’m coming to the States at the end of May and I expect to see you there. You have, virtually, one whole month to plan. See you then, chipmunk.”
