Page 59 of Grace

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He scoffed. “Nah.”

“You want something, Shi-Shi? It’s mad shit she said.”

My stomach growled on request.

Jas must have heard it, too. “That’s been ya stomach making that noise?”

I pushed back my cheeks, exposing my teeth. “I might’ve not eaten today.”Or much yesterday…

Concern etched his face. “Why?”

I exhaled, shaking my head. “It’s been a lot.”

“A lot like what, Witherspoon?”

I shrugged, really not wanting to get into it. “A lot like life.”

“And what does that consist of?”

I tried to quiet him with my eyes. Juggy was still a few yards away. “Jas…”

“Anything happened to you on ya lil vacation I ain’t even know you were on?”

“What makes you think my vacation was little?”

“You just said you were stressed. Was it ya man?”

“My ex?” I corrected him. “Hell no!”

“Then what?” When I didn’t answer, he shook his head. “That’s why you shouldn’t be hoppin’ ya ass all over the place.”

“It’s called vacation and I can go wherever I want.”

“But you’re gone all the time.”

“And? I’m grown.”

“Grown and can’t protect yourself, Witherspoon. That’s the problem I had with ol’ boy. He ain’t never take no precautions to protect you.”

I angled my head. “I’m sorry. Who do I need protection from?”

“Any and everybody. Your ex is a celebrity. That makes you a target. You never know who’s gonna try to run up on you. Besides that, you’re a pretty young lady, flocking around with no protection.”

“Again, I don’t need security. Jas, I travel like any other adult not at risk for some imaginary attack.”

He shook his head and pretended to go back to reading. Then a thought occurred.

“You said you didn’t know I was gone.” Of course, he didn’t. I wasn’t obligated to tell him my whereabouts. “I told you why I didn’t return your call. But you haven’t said why you didn’t call again. Is that why? Did you know I was away?”

“Yeah, because you post your locations on yaInstagram.”

I gasped. “You were on my page?” I kind of liked that revelation.Holy shit!“So, was your issue that I was away or that I was away with no ‘security’ you think I need?”

With his face still toward the book, Jas muttered, “Go get something to eat, Witherspoon.”

“No. Let’s explore this shit.”

“No need. It ain’t like you’re mine.” That shit burned, too.
