Page 61 of Grace

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“She said you ain’t tell her ya last name,” Juggy muttered.

Jas didn’t respond right away, but I felt the snort of his chest against me. The elevator eventually stopped and the car opened. Jas managed me out without me touching the frame of the door again.

Into his even pace, he lifted me closer to his face, his goatee prickling my chest as he sniffed. Instantly, my nipples pebbled and pulse beat in my neck. “She’ll know all my names soon.” His tone was untroubled and laced with confidence.

I could hear Juggy’s snickering in the distance. “Yo, man. You want me to head out in the morning by myself to give you some time to handle this? I can hit the sites then circle the block to snatch you when you ready.”

“Nah,” Jas’ thick cord trinkled, exhaling with that one word. “Regular schedule tomorrow.”

The scent changed and so did the temperature. Jas walked a few more yards. Then I was being lowered onto a cushioned surface. His bed. My back and head pressed against fluffy pillows as my legs were moved to lay straight. Jas even arranged my braids over the pillows. This was almost comical. I hadn’t played sleep since I was six years old, not wanting to walk after the engine was cut once arriving home. But more than that, this was humorous. It was pathetic of me to stoop this low just to feed my curiosity of this man.

“A’ight. I’m out. ‘Bout to hit up the titty bar,” Juggy announced from afar.

“With who? Jos-Renee?”

“Yeah,” he sighed, sounding annoyed. “You know how her ass be trippin’ when she ‘on’t get her way. Fuckin’ Scorpio. Never again, man.”

Then I heard the door close.

I could sense Jas’ footsteps moving away. What am I doing? I took a deep breath, trying to streamline my behavior. But I was truly tired, completely exhausted, which was likely why my behavior was irrational. Either way, I felt no guilt. I would lay hereand—

A ball of soft fabric smacked my face.

“I know ya ass ain’t sleep. You gonna have me undress you or you gonna put that on yourself?” My eyes shot open just as Jas was headed to the en suite bathroom. “I’ll grab your toothbrush from the last time you were here unless you want a new one.”

I blinked against the bright ass light of his master suite, it was indeed where I was. At least he lay me on his bed rather than the couch.

I should be so embarrassed…at myself!

But I wasn’t.

A weighted plop at the foot of the mattress had me awakening from my sleep. I looked to my left and didn’t see Jas. Then I lifted to investigate what had startled me. There he was. Jas was sitting at the far end of the bed, his shoulders were slumped over, head to the side, and face low. His right arm was extended into the air, wrist relaxed. I waited for a few seconds to see what exactly he was doing, but Jas didn’t move. I even heard him snuffle in a soft snore but he didn’t move.

I glanced around the room, lifting the comforter protectively over my chest. What was this? He told me he was crazy.They’d diagnosed him in prison. But this wasn’t mental illness. It appeared to be some weird ass insomnia. I’d spent three nights with Jas before now. The first, second, and third, we’d been up all night fondling, fucking, and talking—heavy on the fondling and fucking. Tonight would be the first we completely slept.

What the fuck, Jas?

I didn’t want to freak out, but couldn’t forget the repeated fact of not really knowing this man. I had no clue of what to do in this instance. The one thing I could recall was not waking up a sleepwalker. Was this equivalent to sleepwalking? I wish my Aunt Rose texted. She was certainly up at this hour. She’d be able to tell me what this shit was and what I should do if not run for mylife—

“…incler 92810-752,” he mumbled, and I didn’t catch it all to make sense of it.

Within seconds, Jas stood and gaited over to the left side of the bed. He pulled the comforter back and crawled inside. He didn’t ‘fall’ asleep. Jas had been asleep the whole time.

My eyes opened again. And again, it was dark. And again, Jas was not in bed. Lifting my back from the bed and resting on my elbows, I scanned the main room. It took seconds, but I saw the glass door of his sitting room ajar. I sat up fully and found a grainy version of flesh. Tossing the comforter to the side, I left the bed and toed to the door. Jas was in there, on a mat on the floor, in a prayer position.


This is why you should stay your ass home, girl!

The man had been trying to keep in his own corner all this time, maybe this was why. Jas was a strange one. Beyond miscellaneous, the man lived in an underworld above ground, before our eyes. He was otherworldly personified. From the door, I could hear rumbling. It sounded like chants as his forehead kissed the mat. His big hands were on either side of his body, curled into a fetal position. As the religious community would call it, Jas was in the bow position. He was praying.

At this hour?

I turned for the clock on his nightstand. It was minutes after five in the morning. Did the man sleep? His voice increased in volume and I could pick up a chant. What was it? My breathing grew heavier and pulse thicker. Without thinking, I toed inside the sitting room, my bare feet on the rustic stone flooring. It could be questioned if it was the schadenfreude in me wanting to get close to him while in his state. Quietly, I sat on the couch before him. Yes. I was bold while afraid. But oddly, with Jas, I felt an inherent pull to him. There was something to his aura, his odor. It was like his biochemical bouquet manipulated my hormones…andgood senses. His scent, it attracted me, body odor aroused and sedated me.

I stretched out in front of him, comforted by his rhythmic intonation. This was strange. Really weird, but I didn’t feel unsafe. That was until a sensation settled between Jas and me. It was a widening transparent wedge, a light I couldn’t see. Then I heard incanting. It was new to me…like a foreign language. Just as I sat up to leave, feeling this had exceeded my threshold for creepiness, his big hand reached over to my forehead. While chanting and with his body still in position, Jas’ hand was weightless, but I immediately became winded. Drowsiness rushed in and I lay back down and blacked out.

Chapter 9
