Page 71 of Grace

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My head bobbed out of sync a couple of times before I walked off. So stuck on what I’d just seen, I didn’t even stop in the dining room to say goodnight to the girls, neither did I express my thanks to Ines. I let myself out.

Chapter 10

Part II cont’d

April | Present Day

It was nearing ten when I crawled into my bed and killed the last light in my room. Feeling my body throb from lifting weights when I got in from Witherspoon’s, my bed felt incredible as I stretched out beneath the blanket after a long hot shower. I needed to find sleep. Tomorrow would be the first shoot day of our commercial forRizzo’s Custom Homes. I arranged for two, linking up with brothers out of Princeton who Zebedee Baker and Ragee had worked with for years for their commercial units. This would be next-level for the firm. In a year or two, I’d own most of the building firms in the region. Then I’d have to change the name of the company to something more suitable to the legacy I’d been building. Everything was falling into place. Each item on my checklist had been checked off or would soon be coming into fruition.

Everything except…

Exhaling, I turned over onto my stomach. My eyes trailed over to the surveillance corner in my room. My property was secured, inactive per the live feeds of the cameras. Jug would likely be leaving out soon to get into whatever the hell it was Jug did at night when I turned in early. My attention went to the ceiling fan over my bed. It wasn’t on, but I found myself staring up there. My thoughts flowing.

She caught me in another one of my sleepwalking episodes. I hated those shits. When I was fresh out, I fell asleep once down in the den. Jug was up late one night and walked past to find me sitting up with my arm stretched out. He said he waited until I mumbled some words then laid back down. I knew right away what that shit was. Then we had Frankie stay over one night and test it out around the same time and it happened again.

I hoped that after being home for some time, the habit would stop. Having that happen with a woman in your bed or small kids in the house wasn’t a good look. My therapist said it would go away. Well, I knew now it hadn’t.

A change in the darkness of the shadows happened in my peripheral. I glanced over to the monitors in the corner of the room. A car had pulled into the driveway and parked. The lights powered off and I could make out the back of theGT Coupe. My pulse beat hard in my throat. Witherspoon walked in heels to her trunk and pulled out theLVduffle. She then strutted to the front door, and my dick started to swell.

I didn’t get it. Why not just tell me she was coming through? Why lie about chilling with Corinne?And a damn box of condoms. I couldn’t think of her fucking another man. Proof of it would fuck with me for a while. I vowed to make sure she wouldn’t, but that was before I had a plan in place to ensure it. When she did shit like this, it powered that possessive inclination I wrestled with.

My phone vibrated.

Juggy:Shi-Shi here

I quickly typed back.


Then I reached beneath the blanket and pushed my boxers down, kicking them off. I waited with a pounding chest for her to make it to my door. My dick was so swollen it throbbed. The fuck was this? It took her some time to make it up to the second floor, but the minute I heard the clacking of her heels, I grabbed my cock in my hands. She unlatched and opened one of the two doors to my bedroom. Seeing the darkness halted her steps for a second. When I could see she was alone and not followed by Jug, I yanked the blanket off, shuffling it down my legs so she could see me stroke myself. Witherspoon gave me the idea earlier in her kitchen. I may not have responded to her words, but I damn sure recorded them mentally.

“Take off your clothes, Shi,” my voice was so raw, so vulnerable. “Show me what you do to yourself when you thinking about me.”

I could see her chest and shoulders rise, processing that request. Then she pulled out her phone and used the flashlight function to illuminate the room before closing the door. Witherspoon laid the phone on the floor and I could see her whole body from this angle. She unknotted her trench coat then slowly unbuttoned it. I swallowed so fucking hard the moment I saw her round tits and hard nipples when she pulled it open. Witherspoon was skin-naked up top—no shirt or bra. She pushed out of the coat, dropping it to the floor, then untied the drawstring of her sweat pants that hugged her hips and pulled them down to her ankles.

Witherspoon turned around and kicked out one leg to untie the boots reaching just above her ankles. Her dancer’s pose was artful as hell. This chick knew her body was sinful. There wasn’t an inch I didn’t want to caress with my mouth. She did the same with the other leg before toeing out of her booties and stepping out of the sweats.

I watched her turn for the duffle and after digging through it, she pulled out a box.The condoms. Slowly, she strutted to the foot of the bed, still gracefully poised as a dancer, but rather an exotic one. When she reached the foot, she placed her palms down to crawl to me.

“You stopped,” her voice soft.

I couldn’t see much of her facial expression because of the flashlight now being behind her. It took me a few seconds to realize I’d stopped stroking myself. She meant my fist-fucking. How could I concentrate on that with all the glory of Shi-Shi seducing me in my bedroom? I was sure mad niggas would pay top dollar for this experience, me included. I’d beat my shit enough over the years. Right now, the act didn’t appeal to me. Her body did. But I obeyed her anyway.

When Witherspoon made it to my legs, she stood to her feet, placing them outside of me. Her finger went between her thighs, lightened thanks to the flashlight of her phone. Her other hand trailed up her belly until it reached her boob and she fondled herself. She pulled at her nipple, flickered the tip, and palmed the underside of her breast. Her head tossed back and soft mewls danced into the air. I was hard and throbbing, but didn’t want to blast off this way. I wanted to be inside of her.

Her hips started to gyrate, making me believe she was going to cum soon, too, and I didn’t want that either. I could make Witherspoon explode inside and out. Right now, I needed the privilege.

“Come here, Ashira.” Her head shot up at the sound of my voice. Without hesitation, she started to lower her body. “No. Walk like that.”

Witherspoon caught on and the moment she was within arm’s reach of me, I pulled her close by the soft cheeks of her ass and brought her pussy to my mouth. The moment my tongue touched between her wet lips, she moaned. I licked all over, holding her with both hands now, reaching as far inside her sweet cave as my tongue would go. Her hands cupped the back of my neck, using it as an anchor. The feel of her ass cheeks straining so she could grind on my face sent me wild.

When I slithered out and across her swollen clit, her moans grew louder and her grip on my head tightened enough for me to reach for the box of condoms. While my tongue flapped against her clit, I managed to rip open the box and take out a packet. I wanted to see her cum on my cock again. The shit was addictive.

“Right there,” she cried, killing my plans. “Don’t move. Please!”

I dropped the rubber and grabbed her ass again, flicking harder and faster. Not being able to breathe, every muscle clenched tight as I concentrated every cell of my body to send her over.

“Ohhhhhh…” she moaned, pop-locking on my head. “Jas!”
