Page 129 of The Promise

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“Where? Mommy where you take Daddy?” Ashira didn’t slow in her stride. “Mommy, I come!”

That’s when Ashira stopped and turned toward Chivon. “Chi-Chi, you are here with your cousins. Daddy will be back soon. Go play or go take a nap. Daddy will be with Mommy. No Chi-Chi,” she made it clear in my baby’s language. “Do you understand?”

I wasn’t used to Ashira taking that tone with Chivon. She left no room for our daughter to argue. Like me, Ashira must have been tired and had no fuel to deal with Chivon’s possessive nature.

Chivon dropped her shoulders, closed her eyes dramatically, and returned to the porch. Ashira pulled me behind her, continuing our journey, and within seconds, I heard Chivon’s happy shrieks and squeals. Her disappointment had been forgotten about that quickly.

It took time to figure out we were headed to my cabin. If Ashira thought she could finesse a nap out of me the way she could Chivon, she had another thing coming. If I could sleep, I would. I had so much shit on my plate, coming off a two-and-a-half-week vacation to having Jug’s health decline the way it did. The amount of calls and meetings I had to reschedule and even do from this remote location without my tools tightened my skull again as I followed her up the steps to the door.


It was dark inside. Pitch black except for the glow of the candles. There were like eight of them all around, and whispering between the walls were jazz tunes.

Ashira closed the door behind me, and I could hear the locks being engaged. “Time for reprieve.”


I grabbed the fat of her ass cheeks, loving the feel of her muscles as she squeezed and rocked over my cock. Ashira didn’t leave space for anything: my thoughts or air to breathe. She clutched me to her chest, nails clasped around my back and shoulder. Her tits bounced in my face, and her scent, from her pussy to the oil from her braids, all enclosed me. I was in a web of her femininity as she rode me so fucking good.

The bed rocked hard against the wall. Her ass smacking against my engorged balls killed the music. I was out of breath and sweating all over as she massaged me to the damn root of my dick. When I felt the pads of my feet heating, I knew it would be a matter of time before I tapped out.

“I’m about to…” I fucking panted. “…to go.”

Ashira kissed my wet forehead and breathed over my head with a change in pace, “Let me get one more.”

“Ashi—” She lifted her chest, angling her nipple into my mouth.

So fucking delirious I didn’t argue. I sucked on it, licking the tip while gripping her ass. The feel of her hips rolling against my arm always got me with Ashira. I fucking loved how long and flexible she was. The way she was fit but femininely concentrated in each inch of her body. She was perfection. A class act I could never imagine having this proximity to. This girl—woman—I had been out of this world for since the first day I laid eyes on her, and here she was, covering me, literally and figuratively.

I grabbed her head, bringing her ear to my mouth. “I need you.”

Ashira’s ass rolled harder, spine wobbled. Then her head shot up, mouth stretched wide, and eyes squeezed closed. “I’m here for—ever!” she panted. “I promisssse.”

Ashira was blasting off, and I was coming right behind her.

“I have to go home,” she whispered across my stomach.

The cabin was still dark and quiet except for the motor from the A.C. unit.

I played with the ends of her braids. “When?”

“Tomorrow. Chi-Chi and I will fly out.”

“Wai—huhn?” That was the last thing I was expecting.

She nodded calmly. “I need to get groomed…take these nasty braids out, get my feet and nails done…get waxed. I need to get your daughter home and back on a schedule. She’ll be starting preschool in two months.” Ashira sighed. “I need to get back to Noelle. I’ve been negligent, and my sister needs me now more than ever.”

Ashira was serious.

“You called for the jet?” She didn’t run it past me, not that she had to.

“No. We’ll fly commercial.”

“And leave me?” I sounded pathetic, but I was down, man. Real bad.

My nigga may be dying. This can’t be my life…

“You need to be here for Juggy.” Her head shifted up, chin now planted into my abs. “He’s going to go crazy when he fully comes through.”
