Page 149 of The Promise

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I nodded and winked. “A little too obsessive, buddy. You sure you don’t want to behis—”

Haris cocked back phlegm from the back of his throat and slung it toward me. The shit landed on my stomach and sandal.

I gazed back up to him, anger bubbling in my belly. “Motherfucker!” I lunged at him, but Haris moved quicker.

I snatched the closest object to me and hurled it toward his head. It was a couple of feet too short to land. Laughing, Haris was out of the boutique with just a few quick strides. I gripped a metal bear no bigger than my palm, throwing that, too, and missed again.

“Excuse me!” someone from the boutique called to me.

I followed him to the door. Haris quickly got the two women to walk off. My hand grabbed another object I couldn’t identify; just went for it. But it was seized by the store clerk’s hand over my own.

My head swung wildly to the interceptor.

“Ma’am, you’re paying for all of this!”

“Shi-Shi, what’s wrong?”

“What the hell?”

Seeing my friends appear in the boutique, snapped me out of my rage. My wild eyes swung around, and suddenly I felt my lungs again.

That motherfucker spit on me!

Out of nowhere, I cried. It wasn’t for the blatant disrespect. It was because I wouldn’t be able to handle Jas’ response to this.


Part III

August | Three Years Later

“Wheew, man!The Banger!” Juggy shouted inside the gold lined elevator with a bottle ofMauvein the air. “She whooped that lil’ bitch ass! That’s what the fuck I’m talkin’ ‘bout!” He leaped in the car, making us all laugh. The elevator operator even found his antics funny. “And, yo! You saw how slow with itThe Bangerwas? She could’ve knocked the bitch, Davies, out from the first bell, but took her time with ‘er. She was showing that bitch she wasn’t ready to come off that breastmilk and bleed from her pussy the way real women do!” He laughed at himself.

The two women with him found Jug hilarious. Homie brought two of them down here to Atlantic City for the McNabb vs. Davies fight. He’d been living it up. Man and LaKim were with us, too, cracking the hell up.

We’d just left the arena atKAHRI Resort and Casino, another property of one A.D. Jacobs. It was the place Tori McNabb fought her last fight before retiring. Tonight was no different. The building and town was littered with loads of celebrities and street high-rollers. The energy was electrifying. People betted against Tori, saying after having kids and only taking seven weeks to prepare, she wouldn’t be fight-ready. Well, they were broke fools now. Tori beat the girl’s ass, knotted her shit up.

Everyone was celebrating and laughing except the beauty with her back nestled into my chest as we ascended to the suite-level for our room. Her girls decided to go party in dry ass, Atlantic City. I was surprised when Ashira declined. Then again, I wasn’t. Shortie hadn’t been herself since the Haris shit a few days ago.

Bob called me once Ashira and her girls got to the truck where he was waiting on them atShort Hills Mall. I asked him to take the girls home and to bring Ashira to me at myPrism Builtoffice complex. She cried into my chest, telling me about their exchange, even the shit about her almost fucking him in Costa Rica. I could have flexed, but decided not to. Ugly shit like this would try to distract us now that we were finally on one accord. Just like Josie not taking my decision to end our friendship well.

We’d just have to get through the mess from our mistakes. That day, in my office, Ashira wailed into my chest, begging me to not do anything stupid. She made me swear it to her. I did it without an issue. I’d have my time to formally introduce myself to Haris Elba. For now, I had to tighten things up with my family. God had spoken to me, revealed His heart. He told me it was time.

The elevator tolled and we exited out at penthouse level. With Ashira’s hand clenched to mine, she followed me to our suite.

“Later, knuckleheads!” Jug yelled, going into the opposite direction.

Man and LaKim right behind them, laughing their heads off.

Ashira waved, but kept her head low. I opened the doors to the suite and allowed her to step inside first. She went straight into the bedroom while I pulled out of my blazer and draped it over the sofa in the living room. The skyline was beautiful from the suite, a blazing view of lights across the city.

I thought to check my phones, being sure I’d missed a lot being in the arena. The biggest surprise was the voice message from Josie. She called two hours ago. I hit the speaker icon and let the message play.

“Jas, it’s Josie.” The girl sounded sad; angry, too. “I spoke to First Lady and Bishop Carmichael. They advised that I delete the recording and not share it with anyone else.” There was a delay before she sighed. “I’m sorry. It was petty of me. I was—am—angry about how you deceived me all this time. I still believe you had feelings for Shi-Shi when you pursued me. I just wish you would’ve been honest…and I wouldn’t have been so naïve when I found out you two were still together. Anyway, bye for good. Bishop told me you were letting me keep the car. I guess that’s what I deserve after what you put me through this summer.” She disconnected the call.

Suddenly, I sensed her. Ashira was a few feet away, leaning into the wall with her hands behind her back. She was beautiful. Hair up in a fancy ponytail with loose hairs falling into her face. The dress she wore looked to be painted on. Off-white, all fitted with three circles cut out on each side; just beneath her breasts, her small waist, and hips. The whole Atlantic City knew my lady wore no undergarments. The sight of her hipbones turned me on.Shit. Ashira’s whole body turned me on. I hoped she’d let me express it tonight.

“You heard that?” I asked. She nodded, beautifully made up face empty. “That make you feel better?”
