Page 15 of The Promise

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“Daddy…” Her little voice, in contrast to his, had my neck whipping to find Chivon at my office door. “I got boo-boo.”

Ava was up and to her right away.

“Elba, thanks for the offer. I have your information to stew on.”

“Appreciated it, sir.” His smile deepened. “She’s adorable.”

“Who is?”

“Your daughter.” He nodded.

I thought about that for a minute, causing an awkward silence. “How do you know that?”

He pointed to the screen. “She’s above your head. Adorable. She looks so much like her mum.”

The image behind me came to mind. “Enjoy the rest of your day.”

“As should you, Sinclair.”

I tapped my mouse and disconnected the call.

Ava strolled over with Chivon on her hip. She reached for me as I approached them.

“Daddy baby fell?” She nodded. “Tell me where so I can beat it up.”

Chivon pointed behind me with a pout; I knew she wasn’t really hurt. Ava returned to her desk, giggling. I turned with her in my arm to face my desk. Confirming what I already knew. I studied Ashira’s angle in the picture I hadBassorecreate. Ashira’s face wasn’t shown. Just her long legs curled in a squat and arms stretched out protectively to catch Chivon if she fell on the grass. Her hair, blown by the wild wind, was gusted in every direction, covering her big ass frames.

How the fuck could he say Chivon looked like her masked mother unless he knew said faceless mother?

“You think you need a band-aid, baby?” I walked her out of the office, bouncing her gently on my arm.

She nodded with dry tears. “And cupcake.”

“Awwwww…” I groaned. “Daddy’s baby needs a cupcake, too.”

I paused the music. “Agaaaaaain!”

Ricky dropped his head in frustration, and Evelyn rolled her eyes. Both were out of breath, still at it an hour after I dismissed the rest of our troupe. They were close but didn’t lead each move with the intent needed to pull off a particular portion of the choreography successfully.

“It’s late, Shi-Shi,” Borys murmured, facing ahead so as not to draw attention to his admonishing me.

I shifted to face him. “IDCis only a little more than a week away. Is there something I should know about?” I cocked my head to the side. “Did you wake up on the wrong planet again?”

Borys rolled his gray eyes sexily. The guy was a European god with all his features working together to make panties moist or boxers tight. Hooded eyes, narrowed nose, natural sensual pout of his small lips all mixed with six-feet, two-inches of hard muscles, agile limbs, and a passion for sensuality.

With wide nostrils, he left the speaker we’d been sitting on with the snatch of his body. “You’re being a bitch, Shi-Shi,” he murmured, not quite wanting Ricky and Evelyn to hear and partially not giving a fuck if they did.

But they heard when I reminded him. “That’swholebitch, whose got the whole toIDC, baby!”

He muttered something in his native tongue before reminding me, “Please call Pixie’s camp back.” Then Borys stormed out of the studio.

I shook my head, deciding to effectively ignore his bitchy attitude. “From the top!”

Ricky and Evelyn got into position, and I began the track again. It was better, but not perfect. Even with swollen feet and an aching shoulder, I hopped down from the speaker and demonstrated timed movements twice. They repeated the sequence six times more since Borys left before getting it right, and I called the conclusion.

Sweating from head to toe and breathing hard with a heaving chest, Ricky snatched his pile of belongings from the floor and practically stormed out of the room as Borys had done earlier. And that’s who he was likely headed to against my policies. Evelyn leaned over, bringing her chest to her knees as she failed to gain control of her breath and cried. Then she stumbled backward, eyelids fluttering. I jumped from the speaker onto swollen feet, taking long strides her way.

“Hey, hey!” I reached for her. “Hey!” Taking her by the shoulders, I pulled her upper torso, gently laying her on the floor. Then I pulled her feet in the air, above her heart. “You’re going to pass out!” I scolded her.
