Page 158 of The Promise

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Shakily, Haris threw up his hands. “Wait. Wait now, gentlemen! We’re all businessmen here.” Then his face folded.

Peeling out of my jacket while staring a crying ass Haris dead in the eye, I told Sadik, “I ‘on’t know right now. Let me get started, and I’ll decide later.”

Then I clocked his ass again, blood splattering as Haris howled, thickening my cock.

Air-sparring in my six by nine cell, I’m energized. Ready for war. They’re coming. I know they’ll be. It’s what they want. They put me in this low-security prison, and in pods with violent offenders. They’ve been watching me like a lab rat from the jump. That last nigga they put in my pod is crazy as hell, and they knew it.

I dance on my toes, tossing jabs into the air, remember him throwing his shit over the walls, on my bunk…on my books. The motherfucker literary took a shit in the middle of the pod, and flung it everywhere because he was mad at the C.O.s. So what was I supposed to do? Eat it? Nah. I’m new here. It was time for me to send a message to everybody in this motherfucker, including the officers. I don’t fuck with nobody and nobody should fuck with me.

My lungs start to open. Air coming in, preparing me for this war. How much these C.O.s is about to beat my ass, I don’t know, but if I can give them a tussle, they’ll know. Don’t fuck with me. Don’t observe me like I’m crazy. I ain’t no lunatic. I’m just a nigga with Harlem Pride. So when they come with those sticks and shields, I’ll go low and catch a pair of legs, using that to knock a few of them back.

Jumping around, my feet start to warm and pelvis loosens. The fuck is this? The devil be in these walls of the hole, I know. He can’t be in my head or body. Right? Why am I feeling…funny? Yeah, my dick gets hard when it’s time to put in work, but that’s it. I don’t feel like I want to fuck; just excited at the high violence brings.


I hear rhythmic sounds. They’re coming! I position myself two feet away from the metal door. They coming now. The more I hear, the closer they come. The closer they come, the more I hear. I’m tensed all over, ready for war. Heart is pounding, armpits misting, and fists clenched tight—

“Jas…” a feminine voice.

The fuck is this? They putting niggas in the box to make them crazy, too? Nah. Not me. I’m solid. I’m Sin, nigga. Ain’t shit crazy about—”

“Jas, baby.” A familiar whisper. “Please!”

Who the fuck— My legs jerk. What the fuck’s going on?”


My eyes shoot to the walls. They got porno playing in hidden speakers in here? They making me a lab rat, for real!

“Yes, baby!” an erotic cry was so clear.

The sounds…they’re closer! I go back into my caddy fight stance, bouncing on my knees.

“Jas, please!” the whisper more forceful.

My balls are drawing up in a way they only do when—

My eyes flashed open to a dark room. My room. My bedroom.

As I looked down seeing her between my legs, necking me fast and good, my heart pounded.

What in the hell?

How did I get here? When did I come home? My last memories were screaming—nasty masculine, ear-splitting screams. Then I remembered being in the shower when had I gotten back home.

And why’s Ashira’s face wet with tears?

I grabbed her shoulder, then pulled at her chin, telling her to stop with the oral pleasure.

She caught on and released me from her mouth, out of breath.

“Wait,” was all I could say, panting my damn self. “I ‘on’t…” I didn’t know what to say. “Did I?”

She nodded. “Another nightmare,” she whispered. “Were you in prison again?” I nodded my head, wiping the sweat from my face. “Shit, Jas! It scared me so bad. It’s been so long since you’ve had one.”

“I know,” I pushed out with no base, feeling embarrassed and confused. I’d done so well with not having one—that I’d been aware of. Then I thought of this happening if Chivon was here sleeping with me.

“Do you see your fists? They’re swollen!” She was alarmed, forcing me to look at my knuckles in the shadowy light in the room. They were busted for sure. I’d hope the right one wasn’t broken. It throbbed way more than the left. “You met up with Haris,” Ashira whispered again. “Don’t lie to me. I could hear Sadik mention ‘London Bridge’ on the phone earlier.”
