Page 39 of The Promise

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Angrily, I spewed, “So, I can be with someone else? Give my body to another man? I have my needs, too, Jas. Yeah, I’m sure I’ve gone longer than a year since losing my virginity, but I’m now a woman with real desires to be met. Did you consider that in your grand scheme? Or is it just about you and Chi-Chi now? With your lofty expectations of life…a woman, she’ll be an only child much longer than you and I were.”

Then there was that crocodile eye flip. Deadpan, he advised, “Say less, Witherspoon.”

“No! I think I’ll say more!” Internally, I cringed at the Millburn in my tone. But I didn’t give a damn. I wouldn’t allow him to keep my life…my personal livelihood, on hold while he went after his “spiritual” pilgrimage. My throat burned as I demanded, “If this is about the baby, then say that shit, Jas.”

With his back to me, he warned, “Let’s not go the fuck there.”

March | Three Years Later

“Uncle Sin, look at me!” Little Trevor shouted, hyped as hell as he rode one of the six ponies in my backyard with the assistance of one of the ranchers.

“You doin’ it, kid!” I tossed my chin, sporting a big ass smile.

I couldn’t believe Man had two more kids in the past three years. I ain’t judge, but reminded him of the time he told me when his then-youngest turned sixteen, he was done. What was wild was how the last two were by two different chicks. Either way, I loved them and was happy they were all here celebrating Chivon’s big day.

It was cold as hell in March, which sucked for outdoor birthday parties. But two years ago, when planning Chivon’s first party, Ashira put me up on heated tents. She wanted to do the party at her pops’ place. When I questioned it, she mentioned her family having these tents. Her plan was for a miniature fair with a few rides and concession stands. I didn’t have the space Witherspoon did on his estate, so I let her throw the party she wanted that year. But that’s when I went out and copped three of the tents for when I wanted to host her party here.

Ashira’s father and I had learned to co-exist in a world belonging to Chivon, but not for one minute would I allow him to provide for my daughter outside of a typical grandfather/grandchild paradigm. As a man, I knew the fastest way for you to lose respect from a boss nigga like Noel Witherspoon was to have him take care of you in a similar fashion to how he did his children. Fuck that. I was my own man. Affairs concerning my seed would be funded and supported by her mother and me, and I was the primary on that, although Ashira didn’t have to lift a finger or count out a single dollar. I was capable of taking care of it all for this little girl.

So, I planned the party this year and thought to give her a retro-vibe with the Before Christ era better known as B.C. I was no religious nut, but definitely respected and enjoyed biblical stories, no matter how loosely based they were to the truth. The accounts of Christ created poetry I dug and wanted to share with my daughter.

I took in a deep breath, pushing my hands into the pockets of my bubble vest. Observing the fifty or so guests all around engaging in the ponies, food, games like ping pong ball and fish bowl and balloon and darts, rock wall climbing, or kicking it with the cast from the nativity play we’d just finished watching swelled my damn heart. It was dope as hell, captivating the kids as well as the adults. Chivon sat through the whole production with her eyes glued to the small stage. That was my thank you from her. It was my satisfaction and reward for the bread I shelled out for this event.

Ashira handled the food, including the three-layered Melanated Girlcake. My little lady loved the company making dolls who resembled her in style and features. Chivon had been to theMelanated Girl Doll Housea few times in New York City, too. She had at least four dolls between my place and her mother’s. I took care of the animals, nativity production, and decorations. When I sayI, I mean Ava, Consuela, Peach, and Amy. I provided guidance, accepted ideas, and wrote checks. And it had all been worth my baby’s shy smile as everyone sang happy birthday to her.

“Okay. Time to make a wish, Chi-Chi,” Ines urged, swiping her reddening nose with a tissue.

The woman didn’t smile much, but having gotten to know her over the years, I understood her love was in her actions. Ines adored Chivon…sometimes, even to the point of spoiling her. I never stepped on her toes, though, because other than Ashira, I didn’t see Ines interact with anyone else with the evidence of dedication and protection as she did my daughter. Like today, Ines was the person who kept up with Chivon, who had been everywhere, greeting everyone. I didn’t have to worry if she disappeared from my sight for too long because Ines had been on her heels.

“Ummmmm…” The smile was glued onto Chivon’s face as she pushed that little index finger into her mouth.

“Ooh!” Lisa-Mare, Ezra and Lex-Dawg’s oldest daughter shouted. “I know!” Her eyes quickly brushed over Ashira, then me, and she quickly reached down into Chivon’s little ear and whispered.

Chivon dropped her finger from her mouth. “I vish,” she pronounced the word wish. “my Daddy and Mommy—”

“No!” Lisa-Mare yelled again, eyes skirting. “You can’t say your wish aloud!” Those eyes again brushed over Ashira, then me.

We were several feet away, which made the shit strange. There were at least forty people around the table, but her eyes easily found us. Weird. But she was Bishop Carmichael’s oldest daughter. I’d heard stories about her being a little eccentric and even prophetic. Too much for a kid to go through for me, but like her pops once told me when speaking about it, “Our children are born through us, but not to us. They’re vessels from their mothers’ wombs just as we the parents are.”

“Close your eyes, Chi-Chi,” Ines instructed her.

Chivon did it as Lisa-Mare whispered in her ear again.

“Ughn-ughn, Miss Carmichael. Mind ya business until you get your slice!” Lex barked at her daughter. “Always trying to be the boss!” she murmured, eyes to Jade, Trent Bailey’s wife.

I’d been seeing the Baileys atRSfALCsince bringing Chivon. The kids would play together when I allowed Chivon to go to children’s church or sometimes on the balcony in the back of the pews when I didn’t. They’d even see each other when I visited the Carmichaels or Chivon was invited over. By being cool with the Carmichael girls, Chivon was introduced to these celebrity kids like Trent Bailey,Stenton Rogers, and a few others in the industry connected to Ezra and Lex. Chivon had even gotten an invitation to the granddaughter ofConnecticut Kingshead coach, Launz Pierce’s, granddaughter’s birthday party. What a life my princess had. My daughter. A product of former inmate number 92810-752. The shit was wild.

“Yaaaaaaay!” the group cheered as Chivon made several attempts to blow out all three candles.

The photographer snapped away, and the videographer captured it live and in action. Consuela went straight to cutting the cake, and Ashira guided Chivon to the table where she’d have her cake. Amy suggested we do round tables for the kids, so no one felt far from the birthday girl. I personally didn’t think it mattered, but what did I know? The type of birthday parties we had in Harlem as kids were nothing like this fancy shit my daughter and her guests were accustomed to.

The women went straight to assisting Consuela with serving cake. Both my phones had been blowing up all damn day, so I decided this would be a good time to see what’s been in the mix.

“Everything to your satisfaction?”

I didn’t have to look up right away to know it was Ava. I’d become that conversant with her voice.

“Uhhhh… Yeah.” I finally glanced up, acknowledging her. “Shortie’s loving her party. But why the fuck is Moore requesting another meeting about the quote?”
