Page 41 of The Promise

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“Lisa-Mare?” Lex nodded. “How?”

“After children’s choir rehearsal. We ran into her. I don’t even know how Lisa-Mare is aware of you and Josie knowing each other. I don’t talk in front of my kids. Neither does E. It’s an agreement we made long ago to prevent things from leaking about parishioners. And your boy, Bishop, ain’t with the hook-up. So, how would that child think to tell Josie she was coming to Uncle Jas’ daughter’s birthday party this weekend? She ain’t say Chi-Chi. The girl said her Uncle Jas’ daughter, Sin.”

I chuckled at that. Lisa-Mare was a different child. But sweet.

“Let her live. She a’ight with me.”

“So is her dad, but I don’t judge you.” I cracked the hell up. Lex was wild as hell. “Hey, Shi-Shi,” Lex’s tone had changed.

When I opened my eyes, I found Ashira approaching us. The first thing my attention went to was her long thighs covered in thick, cream tights. The knit jumpsuit gave away her edgy beauty. So many chicks I grew up with let their shit go after having their first baby. Even the ones who had kids young, some of them lost their waistlines the moment they got knocked up and couldn’t shed the weight once the baby was born. But Ashira didn’t appear to have had a baby at all. Her baby fat melted off fast as hell. And even now, at her daughter’s birthday party, in a fitted jumpsuit, a short cape, and high-heeled boots, the woman looked more like the sexy, single auntie than mom. I respected that.

“Hi, there,” Ashira returned with a closed mouth smile. “I’m so happy you guys were able to make it. I know Sundays are tricky for you.”

“Are you kidding me?” Lex assured, “We wouldn’t miss it for the world. Another outstanding party, ma’am!”

“I wish I could take all the credit.” Ashira glanced around. “This was Jas’ vision.”

Lex’s eyes flashed wide as she gazed my way. “Say word!”

“Yup. My contributions supported his vision.” Ashira cleared her throat. “Great job, Sin.”

Lex found that shit funny, and I was sure that was Ashira’s goal. She’d use that reference for me strategically. I was unimpressed.

“You know,” I quickly sent a call to voicemail, holding the one phone in my hand. “over the past few years since Chivon been born, I’ve kicked it with a number of millionaires…a couple of billionaires, and I realized when all of them talked about their kids—the ones with them—they talk about the sacrifice of time. How they were able to pay for wonders like this—some, I’m sure, more lavish, but sometimes they didn’t attend it.” I shook my head.

“I knew from the gate with Chivon, I ain’t never wanna be that type of pops, man. I don’t wanna just be the wonder-provider, I wanna be front and center when she cries, falls…when she’s cranky. I wanna be right by her side while my baby grows. So, while I’m here, it’s like a full-circle moment for me. It’s like…renewing my pledge to never be too busy to be her pops, you know?”

“Wow…” Ashira whispered, nodding her head as she looked over to Chivon laughing at the table. “That’s so profound.”

“It is!” Lex agreed. “We didn’t see that coming up in Harlem, Sin. We ain’t see these extravagant parties either. I keep telling my girls how different it was growing up for me. I keep reminding them to be grateful for God’s favor and provision.”

Ashira nodded, humming her agreement. “Was the one helping Chi-Chi with the wish your oldest or the middle girl?”

“Lisa-Mare is my first. Can’t you tell by her bossiness and need to be with the celebrant? Sometimes I think she forgets she’s not an only child. The personality on that one is endless.” Lex rolled her eyes.

“She’s gorgeous! I always get those two confused because they both look like a mini you with the big, natural, wavy hair and your rich mocha complexion. Your baby girl is all daddy, though.”

I snickered, silently agreeing.

“You think?” Lex asked her. “They change faces every few months, it seems. My Mia Grace reminds me so much of the late First Lady Carmichael. Spitting image.” She demonstrated with her hands.

“Funny shit because lil’ Christ Harmony be giving me Big Tiny vibes,” I cut into the conversation.

“Really?” Lex gasped with wild eyes. “You know, I felt my mother’s presence a lot when I was pregnant with her? Like…even when I was delivering her, Ezra was on one side, and I really felt my mother’s heat and smelled a little of her scent on the other side. It was weird, man.”

Wow… I nodded, absorbing that shit.

Ashira tightened her cape around her breasts. “I take it Tiny was your mother, and she’s passed?”

“Yup. My girl’s gone on to glory, but her memory is still strong. I just think it’s wild how my girls have no grandmothers,” Lex shared. “And their granddaddies ain’t shit.” Ashira cracked the hell up, surprised by her tone. All I could do was shake my head. “It’s crazy how we don’t think of DNA and genetic behaviors when having babies with folks. We don’t think past our partner.” Lex laughed. “When there’s a whole legion of demons behind that partner just’a lurkin’!”

We all fell out, laughing.

“Oh, my god!” Ashira shrieked. “That’s so true!”

Lex nodded, cupping a thermos with Chivon’s image and name filled with hot cocoa. “I’m telling you, if you found a good balance after having her,” She pointed toward the table where Ines was wiping frosting from Chivon’s face. “you should consider finishing up and having what your heart desires before you find yourself too old to have more.”

My face turned hard. “What you saying?”
