Page 52 of The Promise

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Josie went for her glass to take a sip. That gave me time to peep her features again. The girl was pretty as hell; soft spoken at times, expressing hella femininity, and not afraid to laugh when appropriate; charming and sexy as hell. She was petite, bow-legged, with bite-sized tits that surprisingly didn’t take away a point from her overall score. The short, jet black, curls on her head gave her an edgy appearance, and shortie’s conversation was cool, too. This was our third time going out. Wednesday, after I’d dropped off Chivon, had been our second, and when I decided I wanted to get to know more about her.

“What do you like to do on your birthday? Any traditions since you were a kid?”

I scoffed, rubbing my hairy cheek, and found myself glancing out of the window. “That’s a crazy question to ask.”


My phone buzzed on the table with a text.

Jug: They just ordered dessert.

I liked the message and returned the phone.

“Uhhh…” I transferred my thoughts back to the conversation, managing the churning in my gut. “Uhhhhh… Traditions? Nah. I spent so many of them behind bars. No way I could bring traditions ino the pen.”

“Oh! That’s right!” she gasped. “How long did you do?”

“You gon’ run out of here when I tell you?” With that cute grin, she shook her head. “I little over ten. Went in, in oh-nine and came home in nineteen.”

“Wow.” She nodded slowly. “May I ask for what?”

“Gun possession.”

“As in violence?” Her eyes squinted, disappearing behind the lashes. “Who you pull out on, Ojasvi?”

That shit had me cracking up. Josie laughed, too.

“Nah. It was found in my car. I sold them.” No way I’d admit to busting them. This pace was good.

“Ahhh. That explains the lengthy time.”

Kind of. It was a mandatory sentence for a single automatic weapon, but I wouldn’t give a lesson on federal charges. Not tonight. I had other shit brewing in the back of my mind.

“I hope you’re not embarrassed about a simple human experience?” Her head dropped to the side and she leaned into the table with concern in her whole posture. “We all have something we’re not proud of, but by the grace of the Lord, we’re still here and making better choices.”

My phone chirped again.

Miguel: one in the whip and one inside by the private room. # 2 carrying

Just as I had with Jug, I liked the text to confirm I’d gotten it. I then rolled my attention back up to the light-skinned cutie. “Oh, yeah?” I asked, not necessarily with intent, “What’s yours?”

Her hand brushed the back of her neck as she smiled. “Well…” Josie straightened in her seat, licking her lips. Lips I wouldn’t have minded tasting. “My work in D.C.” I dropped my chin, encouraging her to continue. “Courtesan work.” I had no idea what that was and lifted my brows to show it. “I worked for an escort company.”


“For how long?”

She shrugged as though embarrassed with that alluring grin. “About two years.”

In a rapid succession of thoughts, that’s when her charm made sense. Josie knew how to behave in the presence of a man—paid men, too. It also explained her knowing how to present herself so well physically. From her hair, small but attractive frame, bubbled ass in soft fabric dresses, high heels, and ability to carry conversation, looking me directly in the eye. Yeah. Other women without that experience could do the same, but it was something about her forwardness that had me engaged since meeting her last month at church.

I went for my water. “How does that work, exactly.”

“A man like you has never used a service?” Her eyes widened. “Not once, especially after your long incarceration?”

“Nah. My silly ass try to go about it the Christian way.” I chuckled at myself. “I came home and had a few in rotation, but to find a wife. Then my silly ass got caught up with one nowhere near my list and fucked around, and fell in love.” My honesty was not only funny, it was easy.

“So, out of your entire rotation of women, this particular one you slept with—out of them all—got you to fall for her?”

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