Page 77 of The Promise

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“That’s the thing: kids go on and live their lives. Spouses stay and stay and stay—if you do right.”

“Guess I gotta get one to get it.”

“True. But you got it. I see the way you provide for Shi-Shi. You understand making sacrifices to protect your family…at large.”

I laughed along with him. “Yeah. At large.”

“What y’all niggas over here tee-tee’ing about?” Man plopped down on the sofa next to Sadik. He reached for a slice of cheese off the board.

“I’m asking this guy if he’s really gonna allow Chi-Chi’s mom to get away,” Sadik answered.

Man scoffed, sitting back at an angle to view the opposite side of the room with his arm stretched over the sofa. “You asking the nigga that while he, on the low, trying to decide what he gon’ do about his cousin displaying blatant fuckin’ disrespect to said baby’s moms.”

Sadik’s head swung over in the direction Man was giving his energy. “The fuck?”

Ashira clutched Chivon in her arms while performing a two-step for her victory. As she slapped hi-fives with her team, Tyreek’s goofy ass, who wasn’t even playing, just watching for Ashira, stood to give her one, too. She met palms with him then turned to sit down on the couch. Ty continued to watch while holding his crotch.In the same fucking room as my daughter, too.This had been the fashion of his visit all damn day. It was beyond me being protective of Ashira. Nah. Even my dogs could peep his disrespect.

“I told Antoine and Shawn and ‘em to holla at my boy because he’s totin’ the line,” Man warned.

I reached over to grab a strawberry. “Say less.”


Part III

May | Three Years Later

The birthday song was just completed again by a smaller audience, this time as Chi-Chi kissed her father. Her small arms wrapped affectionately around his neck. The camera flashed, capturing Jas’ unmitigated joy of being dotted on by his number one girl on the planet.

“Happy birthday, Daddy!” Chi-Chi played into the adoring energy of the room, emphasizing the occasion.

“Awwww!” a few sang.

My quick call to get another birthday cake just for her had been solidified in that moment. It made the decision to ask Jonathan as he was sneaking out of the house to go to the grocery store for a “few things to enhance the moods of the guests” worth it. He agreed to pick up a generic birthday cake if I’d keep my mouth shut about him going out in the first place. Jas would kick his ass, we all knew. I hadn’t seen him since his return, which wasn’t a big deal. It was nearing eight at night, and the party was still in full flow with people all over the property: outside in the back and inside here on the first level.

However, one particular segment of the event was ending. Chi-Chi was leaving her father’s birthday party. Amy was taking her back to my place. I knew the party could go on for hours and didn’t think it was appropriate to have a three-year-old here while the festivities included wine, spirits, beer, cigars, and Jonathan.

Amy was still needed for the night. I, myself, hadn’t planned on staying this long. My girls and I made plans to hang out in Brooklyn, but an hour ago, they asked for a change of plans. They’d already begun drinking and having a good time with Jas’ family and decided to ride the night out here inLake Sha’Ron. I acquiesced, seeing I’d been having a good time, too, other than picking up the weird vibes Jas’ cousin, Ty, was putting down.

Did Tyreek think he had a chance with me?Gross!I had a baby with his cousin. Plus, Ty was really…gross! I’d been ignoring him and would continue to. In fact, now that Chi-Chi was leaving, I could have another drink. I took two shots with the girls and Chelsea while Chi-Chi was napping, but that had worn off by now.

“Love you, Blueberry,” Jas’ thick chords returned to his daughter.

They were certainly a sight, a permanent bond I was responsible for creating but was totally left out of. I was okay with that. Chi-Chi had a father who loved her just as mine had me. That was the best gift I could give, and was grateful it worked out for the two of them.

“Get in the pic, Mommy!” Lex encouraged, holding her phone in position.

Suddenly, dismayed by the idea, I shook my head. “Oh, no! That’s not necessary.” Remembering Lex was a first lady and likely “pro-family,” I buffered it with a joke and smile. “I’m just happy I thought to get another cake so she could have this moment with him.”

“I feel you,” Lex allowed it. “You know how we girls are about our daddies.”

“Mine wasn’t shit,” her friend, Tasche, interjected.

“Mine either, but I was still under his magic well into my adulthood.” Lex rolled her eyes.

“Time for you to go now, princess.” Jas put her down. “You look sleepy already.”

“I not sleepy,” Chi-Chi protested while rubbing her eyes.
