Page 79 of The Promise

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“Ohhhh!” Corinne exclaimed. “And y’all know each other from Jersey?” Bilan continued to nod. “Then you two met from church?” She posed to Lex and Bilan.

“Something like that, yup,” Lex provided. “Bilan comes to my church sometimes. Tasche never comes.”

“The hell I do!” Tasche seemed to defend herself. “I come for christenings and shit like that!”

“Wow!” Lex teased her, and if I could laugh, I would. “Nigga, you’re like the godmother to eight of our kids!” She motioned between herself and Bilan.

The whole group burst into laughter. Again, I would have if I could.

“Shi-Shi, you seem to be so cool about Jas having a girlfriend,” Lex switched gears and too damn fast.

“That’s not his girlfriend, First Lady,” Corinne corrected. Tasche found that hilarious, and so did Shizu. “No, no, no.” She shook her head adamantly. “Because if Jas had a girl, we wouldnotbe in support of that. His ass would be celebrating being old by himself with his ‘girlfriend.’”

Peach nudged Corinne admonishingly, though she found it funny and likely agreed. Shit. I did, too. Fuck Jas. Fuck him having a girlfriend. I didn’t care if she was cute and faultless. Fuck them all.

“Excuse me. I stand corrected!” Lex laughed, turning to me. “She’s sweet. Right?”

I had no idea how to answer that. Licking my lips, I went with the first thing slipping from them. “At least he’s off that three-month trial period shit.”

Lex, Corinne, Peach, and Shizu fell out laughing.

“What that mean?” Tasche asked.

“When Sin first landed,” Lex explained, trying to control her laughter. “he would date chicks for no more than three months to see if it would work. They literally had only three months to convince him of being wifey material.”

“Shit,” Tasche breathed. She then snorted, “So, you made it past the three-month period?” I nodded. “How?”

My shoulders lifted of their own volition. “I fucked him. Good.”

“Oh, shit!” Tasche shouted, jumping in her seat. They all laughed; even Peach, who I made have a shot or two. Shit. First Lady had been drinking wine since she arrived. The sin wasn’t in drinking. It was in controlling the amount and your actions while under the influence, in my humble opinion. Besides, Peach knew she was good with us. We’d always have her back. She clasped Corinne’s thigh as her body curled over, laughing her head off.

I didn’t get what was so damn funny.

Admittedly, I was high as fuck. Not only did I take three shots within ten minutes, but I found Jonathan’s creations of the day: cookies, and I ravished one without a breath. Then I started on myMauvewith a deliciousSuave Como el Amorcigar byPor el Amor del Amor. Now, I was fucked. Zoned the hell out almost.

“That’s it?” Bilan asked, unable to stop laughing. “That was your cheat code?”

I shrugged. “Them bitches were dry and dumb.” That had them cackling louder. “I used to fuck the shit out of him. Got his shit right out the mud.” As they hooted even louder, I cracked a smile, amused my damn self.

Good times back then.

Now, there’s…Josie.

We made our way to the deck. Sadik was ready to leave and needed to grab his wife. At the same time, Roberto and his friend, Luis, mentioned wanting another stogie. Zebedee followed behind us. Josie stayed stuck underneath me since she’d finished eating after she arrived. She seemed quieter, a little shy even. I chalked it up to her being around so many strangers and not wanting to compete with the energy.

As soon as we stepped outside, I noticed Ashira on a bench against the railing. Her long, thick legs were crossed, and a gold heeled sandal hung in the air. She held a cigar in one hand and a drink in the other. Lex, Tasche, Bilan, Corinne, Peach, and Shizu sat on opposing benches while howling their damn heads off. Ashira’s eyes were low, and she seemed less engaged.

“I’m going to get out of here,” Zebedee announced. “I’ve got to stop over at the office before heading home.”

I immediately went to give him some love. “I appreciate you coming, man. You know I do.”

“I do.” His embrace was sincere.

“Did you get the box of stogies I had for you?” I turned, searching for Chels. We agreed to give cigar smokers a box of our latest product as a thank-you gift. “Ashira should know where it is.” I was sure the cigar throw-in was her idea.

“I’ll ask her. But here’s an even better question.”

